In the Hebrew Bible, the worship of Astarte is repeatedly condemned, an indication that for at least some ancient Israelites, the cult of Astarte held great appeal. When translated literally, Asteroth Karnaim means Ashteroth of the Horns. 3:6,13; Ezek. lxv. KJV, Jeremiah 3:6, "When Josiah was king of Judah, the LORD said to me, "Jeremiah, you have In her role as a warrior goddess, one who is dominant and fearless, she is sometimes portrayed wearing a set of bull horns. no doubt seen what wayward Israel has done. Given this cultural, historical and religious context, it becomes clear that God did not intend to forbid a loving, committed gay relationship or gay marriage between two men or two women. 65:1-5 for an example of Israel's participating in the pagan practices of the Canaanites.) 1-74; W. Robertson Smith, Religion of the Semites, Index. Rameses III called Anat and Astarte his shields. Among the triad of Semitic sex/love/war goddesses worshipped in Egypt, Astarte was the favourite (over Anat and Kadesh). Basics Rituals and Ceremonies Sabbats and Holidays Wicca Gods Herbalism Wicca Traditions Wicca Resources for Parents Required fields are marked *. He is also the keeper of secrets throughout time, knowing past, present and the future. Groves, hilltops, and caves; she had important temples in Beirut, Byblos, Sidon, Tyre, Malta, Cytherea, and Eryx (now Mount Erice, Sicily). 3). He also has terrible breath. Fire gods like Moloch and his fertility goddess consort, Ashtoreth, were not religious fantasies. Be respectful and considerate when invoking him and you will reap the benefits. Lit." All of the following may be true: Astarte is the title of the Cypriot goddess whose Greek name is Aphrodite. See you on the other side! Some scholars believe that the Canaanites also sacrificed pigs and that God prohibited his people from eating pork in part to prevent this horrible cult from being established among them. Immense knowledge, power, protection from harm (invisibility) and hidden treasures are all within reach of those who form a good relationship with this unique entity. Pseudomonarchia Daemonum (1577) :. - Amos 5:25-26 and Acts 7:42-43. The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia tells us Ashtoreth was a. One of the most unusual practices Herodotus details is the that of sacred prostitution, which he observes in the ancient city of Babylon. There appears to have been only one Baal, who was manifested in lesser Baals at different places and times. Offerings to Astarte typically included libations of food and drink. Jews used the title Astarte to indicate Anat. Idol worship was a persistent and pervasive issue in the Old Testament. . , dating to the Neolithic and Bronze Ages. Hades, the Greek god of the underworld, became the namesake for the place of the dead and even for hell itself. Abraham lived in the Negev desert, where God made his covenant of blood with him and sealed it with circumcision. Astarte is one of the names that was commonly linked with the female divinity of the people during the early Bronze Age. Molech represented the male principle of life and reproduction while Ashtoreth represented the female principle of fertility. There is evidence that Ishtar and Astarte were worshiped at Paphos in the early Iron Age and were brought, so to speak, to the island by the Phoenicians along with the Egyptian cult of Hathor, who may also have been identified with Aphrodite (see Hatton-Brown, 1997 p.64-6). Alternatively, she is horned. And their pagan worship snared some of the children of Israel. 5; II Kings xxiii. 13, xxviii. Pictorial representations often show her naked. Astarte is the Phenician name of the primitive Semitic mother-goddess, out of which the most important of the Semitic deities were developed. It was discovered that Astarte was linked with the Uni-Astre of the Etruscans. How to do Black Magic: Full Guide (Spells, Curses, Protection Circle..), Obtain knowledge and secrets on any topic that requires study and research. Her worship spanned from around 1500 BCE to 200 BCE. But regardless of the appearance of the demon, the behavior, benefits and the dangers associated will the demon will be similar in every case. This is the site where the original Tammuz died. Easter is celebrated on a day specified only by the Roman Catholic Church, and not the Bible, and is fixed based on the sun and the Spring or Vernal equinox. She was also the goddess of rain and thunderstormsleading to her association with An, the sky godand was often pictured with the lion, whose roar resembled thunder. World War Two Timeline From The Great War To Germanys Surrender. These names all refer to the same false god. California Do not sell my personal information. The Hebrews knew her as the goddess of the Sidonians, whom they worshiped. The goddess Astarte bore Elus seven daughters (Titanides) and two sons (Pothos and Eros). This order of priestess was called Nin-Gig in Sumeria. The NET Bible, not considered gay friendly by anyone, takes a strong anti-gay position on Leviticus. Just as they went forth into this . The priests and male prostitutes, who were consecrated to her cult were called qadesh, qedishim or sodomites, Deuteronomy 23:18; 1 Kings 14:24; 15:12; 22:46. The Molech idol was a large hollow brass statue with the head of a bull and the bulging belly of a man. 4, 18, where the lambs are called the "ashtarot" of the flock. In 1974, the sociologist Peter Berger wrote what has come to be a well-known piece on the secularization of society, and the loss of the sacred. Diodorus Siculus, 90-30 BC, gives this description of a Carthaginian fire god. Astarte, Asherah and Ba alat Gebal, who were sent to Elus, eventually became his wives. Ancient Assyrians and Babylonians portrayed her caressing a child. Ishtars primary legacy from the Sumerian tradition is the role of fertility figure; she evolved, however, into a more complex character, surrounded in myth by death and disaster, a goddess of contradictory connotations and forcesfire and fire-quenching, rejoicing and tears, fair play and enmity. 10). Astarte means the womb, the conceiving womb, or full womb and is a title for the goddess Anat, but it may also be a title for other goddesses associated with fertility or possibly a name for a completely independent spirit. Johanna H. Stuckey, University Professor Emerita, York University, says of Astarte. 74, and "Hebraica," x. The priest or a male member of the community represented Baal. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. There was no doubt that Yahweh was God of the wilderness. Sometimes my clients are also not comfortable dealing with the spiritual world on their own or lack the necessary items and solitude to even conduct these rituals. In art and texts, Ishtar is depicted supporting favored rulers in battle. Ashtart is a Semitic Goddess of love and war and the Canaanite Great Goddess who is the cult partner of Ba'al (the King). My New Grimoire Goetia Rising is Now Available! Romans 1, in historical context, is about ancient Roman fertility goddess worshipers who engaged in shrine prostitution to worship Cybele, not gays and lesbians. This is always a good rule to follow, regardless of the demon youre trying to summon. It was a city that was situated in Bashan, which was in the eastern part of the Jordan River. Molech was a false god of ancient Canaan. In the Lemegeton, he appears as either a beautiful or an ugly angel, riding a dragon and holding a viper. As for the land of Carthage, the goddess Tanit was worshipped along with Astarte. Note that Lent is a moveable observance, connected to and preceding the festival of Easter. A trace of this among the Hebrews appears in Deut. 18:10-12,20; Micah 5:2; 1 Cor. The Egyptians had a religion of duality and Seth was the opposite of three other major gods; Osiris, Horus and Ra. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Tammuz also is her son/consort as he is with Ishtar. She was also celebrated in Egypt following the importation of Levantine cults there. Seeker of Wisdom and Keeper of Time! The Assyrians and Babylonians pictured her caressing an suckling a smallchild. Lucid dreaming most often occurs between 3 and 5 AM. This place was mentioned in the Book of Joshua and Genesis. Click here for our comprehensive article on ancient Mesopotamia. Part of her cult worship probably included temple prostitution. 4, xii. Retrieved from In her earliest manifestations she was associated with the storehouse and thus personified as the goddess of dates, wool, meat, and grain; the storehouse gates were her emblem. She was also flanked by several sphinxes, and there was a bowl held just underneath her pierced breasts. Not until A.D. 325almost three centuries after Jesus Christ was crucified and resurrectedwas the matter settled. Shrine Prostitutes used sex to worship pagan gods, From Molech, Return To Gay Christian 101 Home Page. A Phoenician statuette uncovered near Granada, Spain, dating to the seventh or sixth centuries BCE, depicts Astarte enthroned, flanked by sphinxes. Reasons For Summoning Bathin Before sharing the step-by-step summoning ritual,, Aphrodite is the ancient goddess of love and sensual pleasures. And it was through he flattery of, to build a house on Saphon, a mountain situated in the sides of the north, In spite of her maiden and mother titles Anat was an aggressive goddess who slew Baal enemies. It is usually assumed that Astarte Worship was always a foreign cult among the Hebrews; but analogy with the development of other Semitic deities, like the Phenician Baal, would lead to the supposition that Astarte Worship before the days of the Prophets may have somewhat prejudiced that of Yhwh. Once youre ready to end the ritual, go back into the portal, up the stairways and walk around the dark citadel/cathedral CLOCKWISE 7 times, less or more. 3:7). 12:31, 18:9-10). Demon possession was a topic of much fascination. 10:20-21), we can be sure these practices continued and were a temptation to many. The history of Israel was inextricably linked to pagan worship, which God abhorred and prohibited his followers from having anything to do with. All rights reserved. That towns were named after the fertility goddess indicates that her worship was already widespread when the children of Israel entered the land of Canaan. In Ashtoreths worship services, male worshipers had anal sex with priests and priestesses of the goddess. Black magic: the magic of evil In the mind of the public, there is not one form of magic, but two:White magicand black magic. These demons can help with all sorts of problems, provide assistance in reaching your goals and becoming more powerful in magic. According to myth, Astarte descended to earth as a fiery star, landing near Byblos in a lake at Alphaca, the site where the original Tammuz is said to have died. Hear the prayer of Your servant and friend! Astarte is the Phenician name of the primitive Semitic mother-goddess, out of which the most important of the Semitic deities were developed. Once Astaroth has appeared in your mind either as a male or a female demon, explain your situation to the demon and humbly ask for the answers or powers you want and for what purpose. 7; 3, 5. For instance, there were coins in Sidon that included the symbol with a chariot where a globe or stone appears, and this represented Astarte. According to the New Unger's Bible Dictionary: "The word Easter is of Saxon origin, Eastra, the goddess of spring, in whose honour sacrifices were offered about Passover time each year. Prophets of the Old Testament condemned her worship. He is one of the three supreme evil Demons, with Beelzebub and Lucifer, in the Grimoire Verum and Grand Grimoire, which date from about the 18th century. The Catholic Church slowly and gradually grafted these pagan customs on to the name and resurrection of Christ . In this manifestation her symbol is a star with 6, 8, or 16 rays within a circle. Sit or lay down for a while and think about the whole experience. Close your eyes and let the energy youve received visualize itself as Astaroth. Despite God's repeated warnings, many Israelites continued engaging in worshiping a pagan god called Asherah as . Astarte is the title for a completely independent spirit, perhaps Anats sister. The name Attart is a feminine form of the name Attar, a god known from Ugarit and South Arabian sources, and associated with the morning star. In this act, the high priestess of Inanna would have intercourse with either the high priest or the king of the city. Christians turned Astarte into a male Demon, Astaroth. Baal, worship, worshipping, idols, fertility, cults, canaan, asherah, pagan, [Hebrew Mind], 1 Kings 14:23-24, 2 Kings 16:4, 2 Kings 17:10, Acts 13:6, Acts 19:35, Deuteronomy 7:5, Deuteronomy 12:2-3, Deuteronomy 12:20, Deuteronomy 12:31, Deuteronomy 18:10, Ezekiel 6:13, Isaiah 65:1-5, Judges 3:7, Jeremiah 3:6, Jeremiah 3:13, Luke 8:31, Matthew 16:18, Numbers 3:11-13. This struggle to be totally committed to God is of vital importance to us today as well. Astarte is the Hellenized form of the Middle Eastern goddess Ashtoreth, a form of Ishtar, worshipped from the Bronze Age through classical antiquity. The first risk is health related. Light a candle and turn off all the other lights, Stare into the candlelight and quiet your mind. Two of the centers of Seth's worship were at Ombos and Avaris. Reveal yourself in the flames before me! They foretold the future by examining animal entrails or by watching flights of birds. Fertility rites were practiced at the numerous shrines which dotted the land, as well as at the major sanctuaries A characteristic feature of the fertility cult was sacral sexual intercourse by priests and priestesses and other specially consecrated persons, sacred prostitutes of both sexes Child-sacrifice was also a feature of the rites. Now, I present you with the opportunity to REQUEST A RITUAL directly on this website. Ornament your body with henna or honey. Astarte waded in the blood of her human victims. Occultists still refer to the astral body as the invisible double. The priests would make offerings of food and drink and incense and other items. The leader of the gods, Zeus (Jupiter to the Romans), took on the role of Baal, the god of weather or storms. One that I've used successfully is: "Hail Astaroth! ), the king "tore down the quarters of the male shrine prostitutes, which were in the temple of the Lord and where women . 28, note). However, even among those who . Astaroth is often invoked in necromantic divination rituals for this purpose. Now available on Amazon. She also wandered around the world, and she was noted to have picked up a fallen star or a meteorite and placed it at Tyre. For that reason, God and Moses prohibited Israel from worshiping Moloch in Leviticus 18:21 and 20:2, 3, 4, 5. The Greeks had oracles, shrines where gods supposedly communicated the future to priests and priestesses. It is said that in Corinth alone, there were more than 1,000 prostitutes in Aphrodite's temple. Jeremiah (vii. Learn facts that you cant learn just from reading the bible Sacred prostitution has many different characteristics depending on the region, class and the religious ideals of the period and the place, and consequently can have many different definitions. She is linked with war, sexuality and fertility. Under the kings, this spiritual battle continued. Astaroth often appears as either a beautiful or an ugly angel or prince, riding a dragon and holding a snake in his left hand. Like her Akkadian counterpart Itar, she is an astral deity and is associated with the evening star. But some demons have more power than others, and its often not clear what a certain demon, Read More 13 Best Demons to Summon (Summoning Rituals Included! Erotic temple rites and sacred prostitution were central to her veneration. "Have ye offered unto me sacrifices and offerings in the wilderness forty years, O house of Israel? Sacred prostitution involved temple priestesses of Inanna/Ishtar having ritual sex with male visitors to the temple, again releasing the divine fertile energy. No wonder God's anger burned against his people and their leaders. This sunrise worship of the sun god is condemned by Yahweh in Ezekiel. The name is particularly associated with her worship in the ancient Levant among the Canaanites and Phoenicians. Learn about covens and degree systems, initiation, Sabbat and Esbat rites, and other milestones such as handfastings, birth, and death. Maybe, to be safe, they should worship both;Yahweh and Baal. Mighty Duke, I humbly invoke you from the depths of Hell into the Realm of Man. The priestess or a female members of the community represented Asherah. By the eighth century Anglo-Saxons had adopted the name to designate the celebration of Christ's resurrection.". We enter it unconsciously, we can control our dream for a short time as we are aware of what is happening in it, but then the unconscious dreaming continues, or we, Read More Two Ways to Astral Project & The Demon That Unlocks the PowerContinue, Fellow occultists, I am happy to announce that my new grimoire, Goetia Rising, is now available on Amazon: This is a small book, as a proper grimoire ought to be. 6:13). Therefore, it should be taken with the utmost seriousness. Moreover, Ashteroth was a fertility goddess from Canaan, and the horns were used as a symbol of the mountain peaks in the land. God placed the Holiness Code prohibitions of Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13 in the context of worshiping false gods, 18:3, 21-22 and 20:2-5, 13, 23. 3) may be a reference to a form of the cult similar to that known in Cyprus, where swine were sacred to Astarte ("Jour. After all, secular prostitutes plied their trade in Mesopotamian cities as well. God prohibited Israel from adopting the cultic sexual fertility goddess worship of Egypt and Canaan, Lev 18:3, 20:23. Remember that in Mesopotamia, agriculture held primary importance and keeping the land fertile required many religious observances. Astarte was a goddess honored in the Eastern Mediterranean area, before being renamed by the Greeks. You can find out more and change our default settings with Cookies Settings. One can readily see why God and Moses called this pagan religious practice and the sexual rites associated with it, abomination. She holds a bowl beneath her breasts, which are pierced so that milk placed in the statuette flowed from her breasts into the bowl. The word translated Mo-lech or Moloch (the spelling varies), occurs multiple times in the Bible, in Leviticus 18:21, 20:2, 3, 4, 5, 1 Kings 11:7, 2 Kings 23:10, Jeremiah 32:35, Amos 5:25-26, Acts 7:42-43. Stuckey goes on to point out that because of this migration via trade routes, Astarte became much far important in the first millennium BCE than she had been in previous thousand years. According to Donald Harden, there was a statue of Astarte discovered in Tutugi, which was located near Granada, in Spain. The name "Baal" shows up seven times in Hosea (2:8, 2:13, 2:16, 2:17, 9:10, 11:2, 13:1); four of those ins . Semitic describes a group of languages, and by extension, kindred cultures of the Near East and Africa which include Phoenician, Arabic, Hebrew and Assyrian. vii. Separating Fact from Myth: Asherah and Idol Worship. Ashtoreth is mentioned three times in scripture, in 1 Kings 11:5 & 33, 2 Kings 23:13. By the first century B.C., Isis worship had become established as a "mystery religion." Rooted in Greek culture, mystery faiths centred on a figure of a god or goddesssuch as Demeter or Dionysusand involved confidential rituals and rites. In Cyprus, the Phoenicians arrived around BCE and built temples in Astarte's honor; it was here that she first became identified with the Greek goddess Aphrodite. Thus Baal, meaning master, is the title for a spirit named Hadd. . When you visit this site, it may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. English: Astarte, a Semitic goddess whose name appears in the Bible as Ashtoreth. Easily See 6017 Years of Biblical and World History Together! Lit." That's a great question because Paul could have used many words if he intended to blast gays and lesbians. Transvestism in Ancient . Astarte is a fierce warrior goddess and the goddess of sexual love (eros) and fertility. Jesus provided the ultimate solution to resisting the seductiveness of pagan idol worship. Baal's worshipers appeased him by offering sacrifices, usually animals such as sheep or bulls (1 Kings 18:23). When the flames fall upon the body, the limbs contract and the open mouth seems almost to be laughing until the contracted body slips quietly into the brazier.. There stands in their midst a bronze statue of Kronos, its hands extended over a bronze brazier, the flames of which engulf the child. Discover the Bible in light of its historical and cultural context! Inscriptions from two locations in southern Palestine seem to indicate that she was also worshiped as the consort of Yahweh. The Torah condemns the worship of false deities, and the Hebrew people were occasionally punished for honoring Astarte and Baal. This was a trick that Epigeius made to Elus, although it failed to work. Or would the fertility god of Canaan have to be honored? Cleitarchus, an ancient historian, around 315 BC, gives this description of a fire god at Carthage. They dont remember the terms original connotation of starlight. . Phoenician religion was inspired by the powers and processes of nature. Your support now will help strengthen marriages, equip parents to raise godly children, save preborn babies, reach out to orphans and more by supporting our daily broadcasts, online and print resources, counseling, and life-changing initiatives. They exercised a very real power over the primitive Canaanites. Astaroth also encourages slothfulness and laziness so be sure to thank him and finish the ritual properly. In this article you will learn who Astaroth actually is, what to expect from him, and two summoning rituals that have worked for myself and magicians that Ive shared these instructions with in the past. She is portrayed as a nude female, sometimes pregnant, with exaggerated breasts that she holds out, apparently as symbols of the fertility she promises her followers. Astaroth is a demon that evolved from the ancient Phoenician mother goddess of fertility Astarte, and the Akkadian goddess of war and sexual love Ishtar. Baal worship was all about using ritual to control . Romans 1 describes ancient shrine prostitution, not gays and lesbians. The "Sunrise Service" is still an intragal part of Easter today. What we do know reveals dark, seductive practices that continued to entice the people God had chosen to be his witnesses.THE ORIGINS OF JUDAISM.