Basically, the same error Luther fell into, he believed he was given the grace to reinterpret what the Bible really meant and led many souls astray. I asked what solution they could bring or practical ideas to bring a resolution to this and bring her back to not feeling lonely and isolated from everybody else but bring her back into the community. In order to clarify the issue for the faithful I issued another statement, regretting the development and expressing grave misgivings as to the wisdom with which Mrs Gallagher had been advised and had acted in the matter. Her visions teach heresies, doctrinal errors, contradicts true mystics. Medjugorje is about to be infamous history. people, organizations and events. Ida Peerdeman / THE LADY OF ALL NATIONS (1945 -1959), !? JOHANNES AMADEUS da SILVA (1420-1482) -, (*) ST. NICHOLAS of FLUE 'PROPHECY' (1417-1487), (*) BL. Heretically mixes up the Age of Peace with the New Heaven and the New Earth, also defies logic regarding the nature of time, and the Three Days of Darkness. mistaken to be a Great Catholic Monarch prophecy of 'Henry', the king named in Marie-Julie's prophecies, when in fact this is a vision she had of the medieval Holy Roman Emperor Henry II of Germany. Struggling to cope with the experiences and was put in touch with a sympathetic priest, Father Gerard McGinnity, Ph.D., who has served as her spiritual director ever since. The charity opened to 'all religions'. THOLOPHRE (THEOLOPHIS / THEOPHILUS / (16th Century), (*) CHRONICLE OF MAGDEBURG (c. early 16th century), (*) JACQUES (JOAQUIM) MERLIN (c. 1480 - 1541), (*) DAVID PAREAUS (POREAUS) (1548-1622) -, (*) RUDOLPH GEKNER / RODOLPHO GAULTIER / GELTHIER (1675 ? 3) Does the new mystic preach anything denounced as a heresy or a doctrinal error by the Church? Heaven does not give contradictory information about natural remedies. to first pray that we be given the grace to carry the Cross that Our Blessed Lord lot of money. . Easy way to spot a fake apparition or mystic. This letter is said to have been sent to Bishop Gilbert Aubry of Saint-Denis de la Reunion. var navL = document.getElementById("SAW_TopNav_" + NavCount + "_Left"); The book is navR.className = tRHandle; What is the Catholic Church's teaching about these The alleged 1945 prophecy of Fr. St. Padre Pio - "French Monarchy Prophecies" & "Notebook of Love", Luigi Gaspari (1968), !? "This has always been the dilemma my family and I have faced. Serious signs of a serious negative stance by his local bishops, therefore something indeed is 'off'. (*) DENIS ESTRADA and the 'DEUTEROUS MEDAL' (c. 1992):---message that contradicts the Church's teaching on the Second Coming of Christ -- visionary claims Heaven gave her the design for a medal so we could 'recognise' Christ who will be hiding on earth when He comes / returns, which contradicts the Gospel the Christ will appear visibly in glory from the Heavens with the angels. TOP I'm double vaccinated and my mother informed me I'll be gone down [to hell] in two years. - Mystic with "miracles", but obviously preternatural in nature and not supernatural as her messages contain many errors and major heresies, like a variant of the Chiliast heresy in that Christ is literally coming Himself to renew the Church, (which cannot happen as the Church Militant will be finished at the Second Coming, so if she means Christ is coming Himself to renew the Church for an Age of Peace, and not at the end of time, that is heresy).- Also says the WHOLE Church will be. var navC = document.getElementById("SAW_SideNav_ID" + NavCount); After efforts by the archdiocese to "integrate" the centre into its structures, Gallagher temporarily closed the centre for a time in July 1998, since when it has had no approval or involvement from the Catholic Church. (*) LUZ de MARIA de BONILLA, ARGENTINA (c. 1990 to present day)---not officially approved by the Church. Please help support this site, click here to find out how. According to the traditional Douay-Rheims bible, the Roman Catholic Church has taught the number is symbolic, not literal. (*) IDA PEERDEMAN - 'LADY OF ALL NATIONS' (1945-1959) - NOT SUPERNATURAL- visions no longer recognised by the Church. Johannes Hendriks, latest notification of 'not supernatural' dated December 20, 2020. It sounds ridiculous but she [Gallagher] has such a hold over people. tCHandle += "_Hover"; only find positive information, including the rare newspaper articles I 20th Century hoax, also, possibly originating from a hallucination, or occult clairvoyant episodes. Michael Neary Archbishop of Tuam, Statement of Archbishop Neary, February 29th, 2008. (*) SR. MARY EPHREM NEUZIL ' OUR LADY OF AMERICA' (1956-1959): (*) WILLIAM KAMM (also WILLIAM COSTELLIA) 'LITTLE PEBBLE'- (1950 to present day): (*) APPARITIONS of GARABANDAL (1961-1965). Christ said the gates of Hell shall never prevail, so it cannot and will not be totally destroyed in earth until Christ comes at the Second Coming and only the Church Triumphant will exist. The text was further chopped and adapted to the times. 2) If not yet condemned, do they fake prophecy published in a Spanish horoscope mass market chapbook. MICHEL RODRIGUE ' APOSTLE of the LAST TIMES' (present day). they do charge for herbs, and at Euro prices in Brazil it adds up to a Since the Covid pandemic hit Gallagher has been ramping up claims that Jesus has been warning her of the coming apocalypse and how supporting the House of Prayer was the only way to salvation. "They think they'll go to hell if they get a vaccine". Johannes Amadeus da Silva (1420-1482), !? ST. HILARION THE GREAT OF CZENSTOCHAU / (291-371 AD) & 'MONK HILARION' (d. 1476), (*) BL. Christina Gallagher claims she has the gift of infused theological knowledge,, 8. Bernardo Maria Clausi, apparently this concept is very suspect and even points to fake prophecies and mystics. Amen." I said, "Thank you, Lord Jesus, for everything. Furthermore, to spread the messages about her 'visions' as 'authentic' is officially declared an act of disobedience to the point of breaking unity with the Catholic Faith. 1700s)-- appears to be a 20th hoax prophecy addressed to Hitler, possibly with the aim of influencing him. What they found is that Christina Gallagher lives thirty miles away from the former House of Prayer in a seven bedroom mansion with ten foot walls all around the property. ). Fake visionary Christina Gallagher tells followers vaccine is 'mark of Also the theory clashes with the timing and details given by authentic prophecies. In a letter to Mrs. Gallagher of 15th September, 1994, Dr. Cassidy criticised these developments again and refused permission, as requested by Mrs. Gallagher, for an extension of the actual premises. Promotes a variant of the Millenarian heresy. The original books from which it was taken contains errors, and the prophecy contains failed predictions regarding the Antichrist. Highlights of Christina Gallagher, July 16, 2021 | Manuel Silveira Irish Catholic comment on Christina | Dialogue Ireland Gallagher claims to have first seen the Virgin Mary in 1988 at a time when she couldnt read or write. Admits he is not a prophet, based his predictions on previous prophecies. Could be a hoax based on the hoax-text of the 'Bishop of Ageda'. (*) TELESPHORUS of COSENZA (d. 1388)- pseudo-pen name assumed by an anonymous monk attached to the heretical 'Fraticelli' during the Western Schism of the medieval period. The bishop here has not approved She is convinced this person is a legitimate healer UPDATE: the Bishop of Amos and his own Bishop of Hearst-Moosonee have issued letters September 2020 stating again these visions and prophecies were never officially approved of by either of them, the bishops have completely disavowed them. Elizabeth. The Kingdom of the Divine Will has been ordered to quit promotion in the United States. 'Mara-Divine Mercy's own so-called explanations of the Bible in the 'Book of Truth' are completely contrary to what the Fathers, misled? --'stigmatic mystic', but problematic. Ms Gallagher, who has rejected a plea from Pope Benedict XVI to remain silent, has begun posting messages allegedly from the Mother of God on her website. Fr. She claims the Blessed (*) MARIE JOSSEAUME BERGADIUE 'BERGUILLE' (1873- c. 1875):--'stigmatic mystic' with fake miracles, her main prophecy concerning who would be the Angelic Pontiff proved completely false and she was condemned by the Church.