But a Bible verse got me back to reading the Bible again. Many endure rather than enjoy reading these two chapters. 437-478, Malko, Helen. "The Archaeology of Elam: Formation and Transformation of an Ancient Iranian State." A. Armstrong, James A. 2, 2006, pp. The specific purpose and intent of this entry is to present research on biblical synchronisms; references to the same or supposedly same historical events from multiple cultures. 535-545, Taha Baqir, "Iraq Government Excavations at 'Aqar Qf. Idem, A Political History of Post-Kassite Babylonia, Analecta Orientalia 43, Rome, 1968. 257 ff. Idem, Beitrge zur Verwaltung und Gesellschaft Babyloniens in der Kassitenzeit, Baghdader Forschungen 21, Mainz, 2001. Historical records indicate that the remaining Kassiste people eventually migrated back to their homeland in modern day Iran and were conquered ruled by the Greeks under Alexander the Great. Most belong to the archives of the guenna (provincial governor) of the city of Nippur and seem to indicate a feudal system of government during the 14th and 13th centuries. 1499 BCE. Balkan (1968, p. 7) is of the opinion that between the king and the people there was a stratum of nobles, who mostly belonged to the royal family or the palace. Remember that Hebrews existed before the Egyptian captivity. The emergence of Assyria as a world power under Aur-uballi caused Burnaburia II to marry Aur-uballis daughter as his main wife. Sassmannshausen, 1999, p. 413, n. 22). (Deuteronomy 4:19 NIV), Joshua said to all the people, This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: Long ago your ancestors, including Terah the father of Abraham and Nahor, lived beyond the Euphrates River and worshiped other gods. They gained control of Babylonia after the Hittite sack of Babylon in 1531 BC, and established a dynasty generally assumed to have been based first in that city, after a hiatus. In letter #108, Rib-Hadda gives praises to Baal and also Samas in the sky. Ashkelon has been overcome; 2023 Encyclopdia Iranica Foundation, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Ghent and Chicago: The University of Ghent and The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. New Testament Overview - General survey of the New Testament. 3 of the lines in the inscription refer to Canaanite lands/peoples. Sassmannshausen (2001, p. 137) infers that they were subjected to Kassite inspectors. What Is The Eye Of The Needle (Matthew 19:23-24 / Mark 10:25)? The Kassites, a tribe from the Zagros mountains in present-day Iran, arrived in Babylonia and filled a vacuum left by the Hittite invasion. Early Periods, 4. Many Old Babylonian terms for functionaries do not continue. A. Belmonte Marn, Die Orts- und Gewssernamen der Texte aus Syrien im 2. I read the Bible four times as a child I thought I believed different from everyone else. The first place to start when trying to locate the Garden of Eden is in the Bible. The Mosaic Glass Vessels from Hasanlu, Iran: A Study in Large-Scale Stylistic Trait Distribution The Art Bulletin , Vol. B. Chronicles and king lists are imprecise, and although the Kassite kings traditionally ruled over Babylonia for 576 years, it is probable that the first Kassite kings reigned in Babylonia simultaneously with the last kings of the first Babylonian dynasty; thus Gandash, the first Kassite king, possibly began his reign about the middle of the 18th century bc, but not at Babylon. 8, 1966, pp. There is not a single connected text in the Kassite language. 1-44, van Koppen, Frans. (Deuteronomy 12:31 NIV). It is thought that the Kassites originated as tribal groups in the Zagros Mountains to the north-east of Babylonia. 1465 BCE (Brinkman, 1972, p. 274; Edens 1994, p. 210). At some point between the 14th and 9th centuries BCE, the great ziggurat of Babylon was built which would later become associated with the Tower of Babel. Several members of the ruling family of Ellipi (< Middle Babylonian Ullipi, with attenuation of the initial vowel, according to A. Fuchs apud Sassmannshausen, 2001, p. 151b) bore Kassite names. 137 f.), namely, that Kassite is related to Elamite, is unlikely. 1 The Assyrian Empire. Edzard, Jasubigallja, in RlA V, 1976-80, p. 271a. Idem, The Ethno-Linguistic Character of Northwestern Iran and Kurdistan in the Neo-Assyrian Period, Tel Aviv, 2002. 24 f., 33 f., 38 f., 45, 54, 57, 66 f., 68 ff., 82 ff., 92 ff.). (c)linking his wealth to the traditional system (d)damaging the economy beyond repair (e)permanently reforming corrupt temple priest in egypt (a)the invention of monotheism Which of the following is true of the rule of Akhenaten? Babylonia under the Sealand and Kassite Dynasties, edited by Susanne Paulus and Tim Clayden, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2020, pp. This article is available in print.Vol. Ancient Orient Museum, Kudurru mentioning the name of the Kassite king Kurigalzu II, from Nippur, Iraq, Ancient Orient Museum, Babylonian cuneiform tablet with a map from Nippur, Kassite period, 1550-1450 BCE, Winged centaur hunting animals. A general or Prince called Tuthmoses (later just Moses) whose adopted mother named him after herself, Ahmose was Pharoah of Egypt with his adopted mother mother for a time and may have even been Pharoah by himself as Ahmose I. Ahmose II was most likely the Pharoah of the Exodus. 1570 or 1560 BCE; see Zadok, 1999-2000, pp. They were used to mark official items and ownership. This is depicted in letters #287 and his sixth letter, #290. 492-507, Brinkman, J. Historians and scholars claim that their rule was the longest in the history of ancient Babylon. 23342, J. Required fields are marked *. 403-10. At the Crossroads of Civilizations in the Syro-Mesopotamian Realm, Proceedings of the 42th RAI [1995], Leuven, 1999, pp. 131149, 1949, O. R. Gurney, Further Texts from Dur-Kurigalzu, Sumer, vol. 58, no. 150 f.; see Balkan, 1954, pp. 6969, Albrecht Goetze, "The Kassites and Near Eastern Chronology,", This page was last edited on 5 February 2023, at 22:04. The fact that the river ordeal, which in the Old Babylonian period is mainly recorded in texts from Susa, has become more common in Babylonia during the Kassite than in the preceding (Old Babylonian) period may point to an origin of the Kassites east of Babylonia, but is not conclusive evidence. Kassites and Assyrians. Kassites. Idem, Kassiten, RlA 5, 1976-1980, pp. 65, no. In the image below the reasoning behind the test is show. Web. Around 1800 B.C., the Kassites began to settle in the Zagros Mountains which are located in modern day Iran. The Kassite kings appear to have been members of a small military aristocracy but were apparently efficient rulers and not locally unpopular. Some Assyrian sources call the Babylonian ruler king of the Kassites.. Kassite kings ruled for about 400 years. Idem, Studies in Babylonian Feudalism of the Kassite Period, tr. Sassmannshausen (1999, pp. They were divided into three main tribes, the Bit-Dakkuri, the Bit-Amukani, and the Bit-Jakin, against whom the Assyrians waged war in the ninth century B.C. After this point, the Kassites had faded into obscurity. 1, 2006, pp. They continued to refer to such units after they had taken control over cities. Unfortunately, many of those tablets have not yet been published, including hundreds held in the Ottoman Museum in Istanbul. Donbaz, Veysel. For less than $1 a week, you'll get devotionals, Bible study guides, thematic studies, and much more! J. Dilmun (modern Bahrain) in the Persian Gulf was ruled by a Kassite governor. While the period of enslavement by the Egyptians meant that the Israelites would certainly not be writing anything down, it did not prevent the Egyptians from documenting certain things. 1-14. When the Kassites took over, they managed to forge political stability within the region, and they began to transform the southern Mesopotamian region into a unified territorial state. Iran 11.1 (1973): 1-27, Levine, Louis D. "Geographical Studies in the Neo-Assyrian ZagrosII." 479-491, Potts, D. T. Elamites and Kassites in the Persian Gulf. Journal of Near Eastern Studies, vol. We contribute a share of our revenue to remove carbon from the atmosphere and we offset our team's carbon footprint. 47, 100, 102 ff., 115 ff., 122). (Gen. 3:15) It is from the Horite priesthood that the priesthood of Israel developed. . This is the first entry which will cover the Kassite period (1600-1160 BCE). Possible traces of Kassites in Iranian nomenclature are negligible, for instance, Kagn, Kaakn < Kaaka@n, i.e., possibly "land of the Kassites" in Iran (see Eilers, 1957-58, p. 135). Third Interim Report, 1944-5," Iraq, VIII, 1946, von Saldern, Axel. It was discovered in 1896 and is stored in the Cairo Museum currently. Historians and scholars claim that their rule was the longest in the history of ancient Babylon. 519-21. ISBN 978-9004430914. The eunuch was not from the land today known as Ethiopia, which corresponds to the ancient Kingdom of Aksum, which conquered Kush in the fourth century. The archive originates, not from the temple, but from the palace of the governor (andabakku, Sumerian U.EN.NA) of Nippur (see Balkan, 1986, p. 8). 55, No. They are well represented among the great landowners. 287-90. XVI, Fasc. [15][16] Kudurrus, stone stele used to record land grants and related documents provide another source for Kassite history. The date and the exact conditions of this seizure of power are unknown to us, the first decades of the Kassite dynasty being unknown to us. Recall that in the first five books of the Bible idolatry was a major issue. The Kassites (/ksats/) were people of the ancient Near East, who controlled Babylonia after the fall of the Old Babylonian Empire c. 1531 BC and until c. 1155 BC (short chronology). Phone Toll Free: 877-966-7300 or 816-584-3077, [This article continues after a message from the authors], These Articles are Written by the Publishers of, Amazing Bible Timeline with World History 2023. The Kassites were members of a small military aristocracy but were efficient rulers and locally popular, and their 500-year reign laid an essential groundwork for the development of subsequent Babylonian culture. "Babylon in the Second Millennium BCE: New Insights on the Transitions from Old Babylonian to Kassite and Isin II Periods". Idem, Elamites and Other Peoples from Iran and the Persian Gulf Region in Early Mesopotamian Sources, Iran 32, 1994, pp. It's . P. Huber, P. Review of Gasche et al., Fall of Babylon, Archiv fr Orientforschung 46-47, 1999-2000, pp. The Kassites, who were an important force in the region from the 16th to the 12th centuries BCE, took up residence in Nippur centuries after the city was abandoned, and created the ancient map of Nippur. The Interpreter's Commentary on the Bible p. 5. On the other hand, they are not underrepresented in the ration lists, which points to their presence in the lower echelons of the society. [57] The images created by these seals were unique to each seal, but many shared the same subject matter. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. A 300-year Middle Eastern Dark lasted from 1157 to 883 B.C. As for the meaning of Ahmose, I am no Egyptologist but I am fairly certain that his name means born of Iah (the moond god). [48], It has been suggested that several Kassite leaders bore Indo-European names, and they might have had an Indo-European elite similar to the Mitanni. 211 f.). R. Pientka, Die Sptaltbabylonische Zeit: Abieu bis Samsuditana: Quellen, Jahresdaten, Geschichte, 1, 2, Imgula 2, Mnster, 1998. 417 f.). These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. The commonly held opinion that they originated from the Zagros mountains east of Babylonia (see, e.g., Balkan, 1986, p. 8; Heinz, 1995, p. 167) is based on the assumption that their geographical distribution before they took over the Babylonian alluvium was the same as their distribution after the demise of the Kassite rule in Babylonia. KASSITES, a people who probably originated in the Zagros and who ruled Babylonia in the 16th-12th centuries BCE. The Kassites entered into Babylon after the Old Babylonian Empire and established their rule around 1531 B.C. 1-26. M. Bloomfield, On Some Alleged Indo-European Languages in Cuneiform Characters, AJSLL 25, 1904, pp. Over the centuries, however, the Kassites were absorbed into the Babylonian population. Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that this may be just an accident of documentation. Unique Circular Format see more in less space. Yanoam, is not known (maybe Yaknoam). Aarhus Univ. However, the river is only 175 . 6, no. They slowly then began to make their way southward toward Babylon. 59, no. If we reference this ancient trade route map it will show us where the Kassites (Semitic people, Akkad, pdf; Akkadian, pdf) once lived, in the mountains east of Mesopotamia. Kassites are recorded in Nuzi during the 15th century BCE (see Brinkman, 1976-80, pp. Kassites held important positions in the state sector as late as Nab-mukn-aplis reign (978-943 BCE). However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. [28][29] A typical treaties include the EgyptianHittite peace treaty (c.1259 BC) and the treaty between the Kassite ruler Karaindash and the Assyrian ruler Ashur-bel-nisheshu (c. 1410 BC). The only named ruler of Bt-Hamban bore the Kassite anthroponym (originally title) Ianz. Both regions remained linked with the Babylonian government during the 11th and 10th century BCE, but from 850 BCE onwards they passed to the Assyrian sphere of influence (see Brinkman, 1968, pp. 3 Where did the Kassite people originally come from? ; De Smet, 1990; De Graef, 1998, pp. First mentioned in the Bible is the record of Genesis 10:8-10 which names Nimrod, the grandson of Ham, as the founder of the city in the dim prehistoric past. Kassite, member of an ancient people known primarily for establishing the second, or middle, Babylonian dynasty; they were believed (perhaps wrongly) to have originated in the Zagros Mountains of Iran. One interesting aspect of these letters is that they are written in Akkadian cuneiform and not Egyptian. . Why are Genesis 10 and 11 "significant" chapters? D. Charpin, propos des rois de Hana, Nouvelles Assyriologiques Brves et Utilitaires, 1995, no. The event is recorded in Genesis 12. The sixth letter is the last and most severe letter and the Abdi-zedek begs once again for military help by means of archers from Egypt. No, King David Never Danced Naked Before The Lord, Top 10 Worst Christian Fashions And Clothing. The Kassite rulers encouraged the collection, codification, and canonization of Babylonian religious-literary texts. For a time I said I was an atheist. Jahrtausend v.Chr., Rpertoire Gographique des Textes Cuniformes 12/2, Wiesbaden, 2001. 209-23. Die Tontafeln der Grabung Robert Koldeweys 18991917." The opening of Joshua, chapter 10, describes the King of Jerusalem being afraid because of the capturing of Ai and Jericho by Joshua during battle. Amazing Bible Timeline with World History, http://www.thenagain.info/WebChron/MiddleEast/Kassites.html, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kassites#Kassite_Dynasty_of_Babylo, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Kassite_Babylonia_EN.svg. Babylonia under the Kassites 2, edited by Alexa Bartelmus and Katja Sternitzke, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2017, pp. 93, no. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Bible Charts and Maps, PO Box 171053, Austin, TX 78717 Biblical Archaeology Review is the guide on that fascinating journey. Their empire, which lasted from the 20th to the seventh centuries B.C., was centered on the cities of Assur, Nineveh and Arbela in what is now northern Iraq. Volume 1 Kardunia. Amarna a-an-har-ra, a-an-ha-ar (from Mitanni and Alashia), Hittite a-an-ha-ra(-az), Egyptian ngr, Old Testament nr < *amara (Old Babylonian gentilic Samhar), presumably a Kassite tribe, gave its name to Babylonia while it was occupied by the Kassites (see Zadok, 1984; cf. Charpin, 1995). After Babylon came within the Kassite sphere of control its city-god, Marduk was absorbed into the Kassite pantheon. 412-18. Kassites. Thus Rameses means to come from Ra and Mosa would be incomplete, and as it says in Exodus he was drawn from the water. Their leaders came to power in Babylon following the collapse of the ruling dynasty of the Old Babylonian Period in 1595 BC. [58] The seals were generally made of stone, glass, or clay. SeventeenthDynasty, (15001100 BCE)Kidinuid dynastyIgehalkid dynastyUntash-Napirisha, Twenty-first Dynasty of EgyptSmendes Amenemnisu Psusennes I Amenemope Osorkon the Elder Siamun Psusennes II, Twenty-third Dynasty of EgyptHarsiese A Takelot II Pedubast I Shoshenq VI Osorkon III Takelot III Rudamun Menkheperre Ini In time, a new dynasty emerged. (Joshua 24:2 NIV), So because Gideon broke down Baals altar, they gave him the name Jerub-Baal that day, saying, Let Baal contend with him. (Judges 6:32 NIV), You must not worship the LORD your God in their way, because in worshiping their gods, they do all kinds of detestable things the LORD hates. World History Foundation is a non-profit organization registered in Canada. Easily See 6017 Years of Biblical and World History Together! 135-38. They conquered lands in Mesopotamia and in what is now Turkey. The most advanced Bible dictionary as a part of Biblia Plus, which includes everything you need to take your Bible study to the next level. Kassite Dynasty (List of Kings) Gandash, 16 years Agum I (s), 22 years "The Kassites of Babylonia: A Re-examination of an Ethnic Identity". Coss(a)ei, Cossiaei, etc., i.e., Kassites (along with he Kissa as the name of the Kassites country; see Weissbach, 1921, 1922; Eilers, 1957-58, p. 135; Brinkman, 1976-80, p. 471b). 1-48. The Kassites followed the Hittites and renamed the city Karanduniash. J. Boese, Burnaburia II, Meliipak und die mittelbabylonische Chronologie, Ugarit Forschungen 14, 1982, pp. Tukulti-Ninurta of Assyria conquered Babylon in 1225 B.C., but the Kassites survived Assyrian pressure until twelfth-century wars with Elam finally resulted in the end of their suzerainty. Katiliau of Terqa was probably a contemporary of Abi-euh (1711-1684 BCE; see Podany, 2002, pp. 17793, Roaf, Michael. In the time of Old Babylonia they were hired mercenaries for the state and also formed bands of outlaw rebels against the state. 55 f., 231, 325 ff., 336 ff.). They were the Babylonians in the south and the Assyrians to the north. The Hittites (/ h t a t s /) were an Anatolian people who played an important role in establishing first a kingdom in Kussara before 1750 BC, then the Kanesh or Nesha kingdom (ca. Gasche et al. [3], The origin and classification of the Kassite language, like the Sumerian language and Hurrian language, is uncertain, and, also like the two latter languages, has generated a wide array of speculation over the years, even to the point of linking it to Sanskrit. The implication is that whatever pertains to the historical Jesus Christ belongs to the "New" and whatever pertains to the people among whom Jesus grew up belongs to the "Old". Babylonia under the Sealand and Kassite Dynasties, edited by Susanne Paulus and Tim Clayden, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2020, pp. While it is hard sometimes to match particular events from the Amarna letters to exact biblical events from this time period, it is not hard to see that the land and culture in question is the same. The Semitic mind of the Bible could see that universality connoted in the phrase 'for many'. 76, no. [31] The most notable of these efforts was the construction of a new city, Dur-Kuirgalzu. Another ancient Middle Eastern people known as the Elam finally defeated the last Kassite ruler in 12 B.C. "Studies Concerning the Kassite Period Ekur of Nippur: Construction History and Finds". Unfortunately the tablet containing the list is fragmentary. 27181. v. The Kassites seem to be relatively new to the region, in view of the fact that they do not appear among the peoples who inhabited the central and southern Zagros according to Sargonic and Ur III sources. 3, 1979, pp. "Kassite" redirects here. Fourteen letters were exchanged between the pharaohs and two successive Kassite kings, Kadaman-Enlil I (1369-55 BCE) and Burnaburia II (1354-28 BCE). Volume 1 Kardunia. 229-244, Brinkman, J. The demise of the Kassite dynasty was caused mainly by external factors. 17 ff. Kraus on the occasion of his seventieth birthday, Studia Francisci Scholten memoriae dicata 5, Leiden, 1982, pp. (1998, p. 83) advocate a lower chronology, thereby narrowing the gap between the end of the Old Babylonian period and, ca. Abraham was from the city of Ur according to Genesis 11:31 above. The number of Kassite appellatives is restricted (slightly more than 60 vocables, mostly referring to colors, parts of the chariot, irrigation terms, plants, and titles). A Kassite Cylinder Seal from the Arabian Gulf. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, no. Idem, Sex, Age and Physical Condition Designations for Servile Laborers in the Middle Babylonian Period, in G. van Driel, T. J. H. Krispijn, M. Stol, and K. R. Veenhof, eds., Zikir umim: Assyriological Studies Presented to F.R. 113-118. Isaac was 100 years later in 2048bce, or 2048 from Adam. [20] Other important centers during the Kassite period were Larsa, Sippar and Susa.
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