(LogOut/ This is not limited to just hallways, say you come to opposing rooms if its a single team. suggest new definition. Take what works for your team. According to one former Army soldier who spoke to Business Insider, avoiding civilian casualties is one of the biggest takeaways during MOUT training. Report Date: 2/25/23 - 3/3/23. The problems open up once those stacks start to spread out in a structure. Trump said Its gonna be wild!!!!!!! Upon stacking to one side of the entry-point, the first operator (1) enters the portal and takes postion within the room and faces opposite the position he originally faced. The Modified room-entry technique is a combination of thecrisscross and buttonhook entry techniques. Theory and Reality are two different things; what works in the classroom will not always work in life. By organizing a dense line, the soldiers needed only to thrust their spears forward, and the line formation did the rest. Look for a box or option labeled Home Page (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari) or On Startup (Chrome). Diamond: Similar to the Wedge and inverted wedge, the diamond formation allows for the fourth section to follow the lead element. Image from federal court documents related to . Primary & Secondary|powered by theWikiWP theme andWordPress. Boom! Ambushed- unless team members stop to look beyond the room right in front of them (Looking two or three rooms deep through open doorways). While it is a perfect number to have to dominate your average size room with lethal fire, it is nowhere near enough personnel to cover all the angles a team will be exposed to as they move through a 16. m1903, m14, m1 garand, rifle, stacking swivel, stack arms, upper band, sling swivel The formation, known as Ranger File, is standard operating procedure for a combat team that is stacking up to breach a building instantly recognizable to any U.S. soldier or Critical Elements: Column or File Requirements. Your email address will not be published. This page was last edited on 6 February 2023, at 20:37. That Hamas is a creation of the Mossad. Learn how your comment data is processed. Upon stacking to one side of the entry-point, the first operator (1) enters the portal and takes postion within the room and faces opposite the position he originally faced. Following is a transcript of the video.Narrator: Inside a 200-square-meter compound built to resemble a European village, future Army infantry soldiers spend up to 60 hours in training known as MOUT. Riot police will often employ a wedge to divide small groups or to separate thin lines in two manageable groups. The memberswere discussing the disadvantages of the stackformation on an approach. This military-related article is a stub. According to the indictment: Oath Keepers used a " stack ," a formation designed to breach a building or room, as they entered the Capitol. Tools: Gang Stalking, Journalism, and Investigative Research toolkits, and the CIA Glossary of IntelligenceTerms, What is a targeted individual? The wedge formation is a very old and very effective formation when employedcorrectly. Required fields are marked *. Blogroll: The Online Gang Stalking Cesspool, interesting diversions, and competing parasympatheticdialectics, Credible narratives and true heros in the gang stalkingdialectic, Electronics, and the Science of Gang Stalking: gadgets that can be purchased online, and used by stalkers, but also, used by targets too;-), Examples of the good, the bad- and the pure garbage gang stalkingwebsites, Examples of crackpot psychobabble in the gang stalking dialectic: with cultural appropriation toboot. Thats more angles and so on. Once inside the Capitol, prosecutors state in their indictment that one group of Oath Keepers moved in a military "stack" formation and went in search of the speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi. Sadaqah Fund Your army's width is dictated by your current Military Technology level. This page was last edited on 4 February 2023, at 21:29. Please login as a member to access this area. 2018 Islamic Center of Cleveland. Web Design : https://iccleveland.org/wp-content/themes/icc/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg. Videos and photos were widely circulated of the group aggressively approaching an entrance to the Capitol in a stack formation. Formation lights are used so that aircraft can fly close formation at night. Allows you to cover more space in a less amount of time. Ready, go. A tactical formation (or order) is the arrangement or deployment of moving military forces such as infantry, cavalry, AFVs, military aircraft, or naval vessels. "It doesn't take an army to do what happened; it takes people. 4 man is the SAW gunner. Davos,2022. Who wants an easy $125,000 USD? Evidence of gang stalking can be found by recognizing that the deck is stacked, as in this example, where we see how X and Y take on more meaning than chromosomes in a DVIC charged dialectic, or in the next example, from Police1, where we see a stack formation in a breach operation, with the famous flying V formation compared to the wedge attack (Bronco Nagursky would probably NOT be too proud of these testosterone charged militants who wage war in domestic spaces. under heavy attack and constant missile fire the Greeks formed a massive moving hollow square to protect their noncombatants and baggage. Most residential doors are 80 inches tall and commercial doors are 84 inches tall. Waugh: It allows them to have 360-degree security so that they can deal with any threats inside of that building. Never was covering long or the capability to pick up multiple angles ever considered in the choosing of going with a 4-man stack. This is the heart of the problem with a four-man stack. Look at the ages of these insurgents. The second operator (2) crosses the entry-point, into the portal and stands within the room, away from the fatal funnel, without changing his facing direction. You're gonna be walking this way, just checking. The Formation is a predetermined set of positions, that while employed during maneuvers provide an advantage over an encroaching enemy force, or stationary hostile presence. Get Your FREE Offensive Drills From Coach McKie Here bit.ly/FREEdrillsClick Here to Subscribe So You Never Miss A Video bit.ly/SubToRMFootball. All a threat has to do is observe and wait until the assaulters muzzle and attention is fixed on the opposite angle then just pop out and send a quick burst his way. Lets keep it simpleNot all techniques are useful for every team. Military people learn to show up to everything (especially an official formation) at least 15 minutes early. Civil War Era rifles at Stack Arms Courtesy of Katelynthomasphotography.com. All right, now back on you, team leader. A fundamental part of intelligent behavior is planning. While it is a perfect number to have to dominate your average size room with lethal fire, it is nowhere near enough personnel to cover all the angles a team will be exposed to as they move through a multi-room structure. In the 4th century BCE, Sun Tzu said "the Military is a Tao of deception". Now, here is a scientific claim that I make about gang stalkers: they use the number 13 as both a sign, and a signifier of their activity, and also, others adopt that in their overt and covert operations. Waugh: It's important for the future soldiers' muscle memory, because they are working as a team. The Acting United States Attorney's Office said Grods "agreed to plan and participate in an operation to interfere with the certification of the electoral college vote on Jan. 6." He allegedly used websites and social media to recruit other participants. Stack formations, privacy breaches and catching spies online: online activity mirrors offline tactical operations in every way. WASHINGTON An Alabama Oath Keeper agreed Wednesday to testify that he brought weapons to be stashed just outside of Washington, D.C., ahead of former President Donald Trump's "Stop the Steal". Please use the links below for donations: One of its last successful uses was by a small U.S. cavalry detachment of 87 men, who wereambushed by 400 Cheyanne cavalry. Around the time of Meggs Facebook post, the FBI says Young arranged for firearms and combat training for himself and others in Florida. Pictures from the Capitol show her in camouflage clothing marching with a group of people in a military-style "stack" formation, with their hands on each other's backs or jackets to stay connected . Waugh: In operations across Afghanistan, Iraq, we are conducting clearance operations, and it's applicable wherever we go. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Well problem with this, despite what you may think, one man can really only cover one angle at a time. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Search for STACK in Online Dictionary Encyclopedia. Enter https://www.police1.com/ and click OK. The Roman commander Crassus would also employ the square at the battle of Carrhae, but it failed in this instance as the enemy Parthians had an ample stockpile ofarrows to wear down the legionaries from afar. Good chance the stack can be fired upon from the other room. Meet StanleyCohen, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn 200 Years Together.pdf. The only ones able to lay down fireare the lead operator or two, then the rest have tomove and reposition to return fire or cover othersectors. Spotter Up will assume no responsibility for any use or misuse of information from this article. The ensuing charge would penetrate into the ranks of the enemy, usually infantry, and scatter the opposing force. Meaning that a fast clearing pace, with overpowering use of flash bangs, explosive breaching, and domination of rooms; along with accurate and lethal fire, is going to keep the enemy off balance and effect his capability to effectively engage the assaulters. I am throwingout another idea for teams to consider. He was also spotted on surveillance footage, the agents said. The heavy infantry repelled charges and allowed their long range skirmishers to fight back from the safety of the square. The caption said, A member of the right-wing group Oath Keepers stands guard during a rally in front of the U.S. Supreme Court Building on January 5, 2021.. Second or third squad is designated as . His credit card was used to book a room at a hotel in the area on January 5, 2021. [] Part 2:The Folly of the Four Man Stack [], [] For some more information on team building clearing tactics, read The Folly Of The Four Man Stack. Take the DVICout. As you move forward, scan your left and right flanks, to give yourself 180 coverage. Too Helpful Synonym. First, two soldiers designated as the high man and the low man swing around the corner to assess the presence of a possible threat on the other side. If one is not set up to cover the angles, you are not set up to really handle CQB. This must be considered when calculating the quantities of explosives, overpressure and MSDs. Learn how your comment data is processed. Required fields are marked *. The technique is the utilization of a "wedge" formation on approach. How long before they come in guns-a-blazing to molest your electronic devices? They recognized, that while during multi-team CQB- 4 men are plenty to a stack since multiple stacks are going in at the same time to flood an objective. The formation, known as Ranger File, is standard operating procedure for a combat team that is stacking up to breach a building instantly recognizable to any US soldier or Paratroopers move along a wall in a stack formation before preparing to clear a building during Exercise Sky Soldier 16 at Chinchilla training area in Albacete, Spain, Feb. 29, 2016. with Rifle at Stack Arms Courtesy hardscrabblefarm.com. And the No. All right? This may be called Tools or use an icon like the cog. I was threat centric before- meaning I always thought of How best to get to the threats as quickly as possible so my team could eliminate them. What I did not know for the longest time though was the flaw in this thinking. WASHINGTON - Prosecutors described members of the right-wing extremist militia group the Oath Keepers as leaders of a long-planned and carefully coordinated scheme to prevent the peaceful transfer. Kelly Meggs/A "stack" formed by the anti-government militia group "Oath Keepers" in the storm of the U.S. Capitol January 6, 2021. A tactical formation (or order) is the arrangement or deployment of moving military forces such as infantry units. []. Joseph Hackett Mugshot. The U.S. Department of Justice announced Friday, Jessica Watkins, Oath Keepers Member Charged in Capitol Riot. Planning is thinking about a goal and then organizing the activities to achieve the goal. When the need for space arises, it tends to come with inflexible demands by nature. The six charged today are: Ohio residents Sandra Parker, 60, and Bennie Parker, 70, and Florida residents Kelly Meggs, 52, Connie Meggs, 59, and Graydon Young, 54 and North Carolina resident Laura Steele, 52. https://t.co/yc20j4McHv, Barbara Malmet (@B52Malmet) February 19, 2021. It seems likely that the three tactics and formations discussed above will remain part of warfare in the future. STACK. Drill sergeant: This step here is a big one. Its a hundreds-of-billions dollar industry. Formations were found in tribal societies such as the pua rere of the Mori,[1] and ancient or medieval formations which include shield walls (skjaldborg in Old Norse), phalanxes (lines of battle in close order), testudo formation and skirmishers. Change). Chapter 3 Tactical Movement Tactical movement is the movement of a unit assigned a tactical mission under combat conditions when not in direct ground contact with the enemy. [7] Diversionary attacks, feints, decoys; there are thousands of tricks that have been successfully used in warfare, and still have a role in the modern day. Make sure you're still with the guys, check. But among many things, ROGS Analysis predicted events, and configurations of persons that exactly mirror the group of people who stormed the US Capitol, as we see evidenced in this story about Kelly Meggs, and other tactical trained team members. With a plan, you can see how much you have progressed towards your goal and how far on your map to the next destination. Islamic Center of Cleveland is a non-profit organization. intelligence agents and their associates, all of whom can be tracked and traced like scummy little weasels who steal chicken eggs in the dark of nightand even in broad daylight, unless you know how to trap them, skin them, and sell their pelts to those interested in weasel fur. The Visual Collaboration Suite to help teams see and build the future. Amusket man would have to hope for a lot of luck to hit a single charging cavalryman. (without evidence, of course. Narrator: SAW stands for squad automatic weapon. The group places hands on the back of the person in front of them in order to communicate effectively, charging documents said. An Army squad is nine men, (so split up, that gives you two 4-man stacks and the squad leader to direct them). X Formation A breach formation that is commonly used when you have people stacked on both sides. This is a major development! The ensuing charge would penetrate intothe ranksof the enemy, usually infantry, andscatter the opposingforce. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. How many times have you seen a 4-man stack prepping to blow a door where the cover man in order to cover the breacher steps forward to face the door? *Among them were Sandra & Bennie Parker of Morrow OH, who showed up in tactical gear. They were also wearing helmets and reinforced vests. The hollow square became redundant with the adoption of more rapid firing weapons. The No. 1. [W]e will have at least 50-100 OK there.. It may seemstrange seeinghow firing lines worked, especially when watching movies on the Revolutionary, Civil, or Napoleonic wars, but it was really the most effective way to fight. The formation, known as "Ranger File," is standard operating procedure for a combat team that is "stacking up" to breach a building instantly recognizable to any US soldier or Marine who served. to view this article. About: Evidence Based Gang StalkingResearch. Meggs used the name OK Gator 1, the criminal complaint says. They use skepticism and rational arguments to argue for or against many causes and belief systems, but inevitably their entire argument is to claim that all evidence is not evidence, regardless of facts. Top editors give you the stories you want delivered right to your inbox each weekday. For every open door that gives view of another space in the structure, that is a new angle one must cover. What about SOF? The Southern Poverty Law Center describes the Oath Keepers as a large extremist group. A tactical formation (or order) is the arrangement or deployment of moving military forces such as infantry, cavalry, AFVs, military aircraft, or naval vessels. Prosecutors allege that the Oath Keepers' presence . When the Capitol Riot happened, Adams said she assumed Rhodes was there but didn't know for sure until a few days later, when she saw a video on Reddit of protesters in a military-style "stack" formation breaching the Capitol. On your approachonly half of the operators may be facing that sideof the threat. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. On Jan. 6, members of the Oath Keepers were seen wearing military gear and traveling single-file through the crowd in a military stack formation. Recruit: To the left, to the left, to the left! The room was booked under the name of another Oath Keepers member. If the number one man of a 4-man team, is also the one pulling long security, he is going to have to drop long security to maintain a 4-man entry team. A small number at the Capitol formed what law enforcement called "a stack" - a military formation used to move through crowds. 15. What are Formations in the military or tactical sense? The advantages to this formation include having the ability to control elements even in a tight terrain, and allows for quick maneuverability to assign squads as the assaulting element, and assign certain squads to support-by-fire. We want to again restate this article is not a be-all end-all article that will solve every tactical problem. That temporary drop in security can be exploited by a trained enemy- giving him the opportunity to shoot at the team as they flow in or back out of the room. The Greek Hoplite phalanx emphasized teamwork, but also required great individual talent. While Rhodes stayed outside the building, other top Oath Keepers entered the Capitol in military "stack" formation, allegedly determined to disrupt the counting of the votes of the Electoral . Who are the gang stalkers? General Fund Meggs volunteers at a thrift shop, federal officials said. You're checking your shoulder. Khun Vichai Helicopter Crash, Kelly Meggs of Dunnellon, Florida was a team leader of the Oath Keepers group who stormed the U.S. Capitol in a stack military formation, the FBI alleges. Not a good thing. A 200-square-meter compound built to resemble a European village serves as the MOUT training site, where soldiers spend up to 60 hours in training during their time at Fort Benning. Military people learn to show up to everything (especially an official formation) at least 15 minutes early. Entering a room using tactics. Ice Hockey Leagues Uk, Select the option or tab named Internet Options (Internet Explorer), Options (Firefox), Preferences (Safari) or Settings (Chrome). It was very rare for a square to reform after one or more sides collapsed. Brian Long: It's not so much about killing the bad guys, but it's more about protecting the civilian. The No. A vertical stack of three evenly spaced horizontal lines. CQB is a war of angles. The first time I heard this was back in 2004 from Rich Mason, owner and head instructor of DARC (Direct Action Resource Center). The formation is used in the infantry to weave through crowds or when entering a room. 16. The OPFOR mainly served to reveal that our military (as do other militaries) tend to train utilizing battle doctrine formed in the last war. He called us all to the Capitol and wants us to make it wild!!! It is likened to a mobile stack, in the field. All rights reserved. See where I am going? Recording: This is a restricted area. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. If you stand in the middle, thats only three angles. fingertip formation) and have references fore-aft, up-down, and near-far similar to references as used for daytime formation flying. After the Napoleonic wars the square was still used occasionally, but more in the way the ancients utilized it, for overall protection. Andrey Rusov/Russian Defense Ministry via Mil.ru The 13-20 ft long sarissa spears were terribly unwieldy for one-on-one combat, but when the average soldier charged at a Macedonian phalanx they had to fight through 5-10 thrusting spears before even reaching the front lines. For a time yes. Meggs, 52, was arrested in Ocala, Florida following the filing of a superseding indictment. As the 4-man team flows through, clearing the structure. The technique is the utilization of a wedgeformation on approach. Battlefields could feature multiple hollow squares supporting each other and armies with skilled officers could actually make these squares mobile and use them offensively, making them static only to hold up against charges when needed. Those lessons learned are being lost, and SF is slowly creeping back to only using 4-man stacks. Each stretched one arm forward to clasp the shoulder of the person in front of them. Give a nice long look, quick look to make sure you're with your team. One of the downsidesof this approach is that you lose the ability to cover(on approach) a lot of real estate. No matter how fast one may be, action usually beats reaction. All rights reserved. Battle of Chaeronea (338 BC), the first recorded use of the penetration of the center or having fast, elite forces smash at a specific point in the Penetration of the center: This involves the creation of a gap in the enemy line and its exploitation.Two ways of accomplishing this are separating enemy forces and using a reserve to exploit the gap that forms between them (e.g. Keep them low. -"I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. Copyright 2023 A visual workspace for diagramming, data visualization, and collaboration. By William McLaughlin for War History Online, William Mclaughlin is one of the authors writing for WAR HISTORY ONLINE. Contact me forinformation. We also see another key ROGS Analysis talking point too: many of these people are related to each other, as we see in this glad handing news story too. Your position matters and etc. A plan is like a map. Early firearms were quite inaccurate due to lack of rifling and aerodynamically shaped bullets and manyother variables such as the type of powder and loading techniques. The heaviest Cataphract cavalry could be very successful with wedge formations, their sheer momentum being able to drive deep into enemy formations. Plus, what about breaching? Several members who were charged in the indictment stayed at the same hotel that night. The group drew attention for their tactical "stack" formation, which experts quickly identified as a military-style strategy, and have been a top priority for the U.S. Attorney's sedition task force. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. This even allows a man that can pick up extra angles as the team approaches them. Identify the number of troops entering the room. The second operator (2) crosses the entry-point, into the portal and stands within the room, away from the fatal funnel, without changing his facing direction. You gotta tell the whole team to move. In the age of the Napoleonic wars the hollow square developed into a highly flexible formation. If those rooms have doors to other rooms in them (when opened) have a view to that T-intersection. Visit Insider's homepage for more stories. Meggs was pictured on a public profile on MeWe wearing his Oath Keepers uniform, according to the FBI. Moving together in a military "stack" formation while utilizing hand signals to maintain communication and coordination while advancing toward the Capitol as part ofthe January 6 operation; Most of the planning was done on Facebook, which calls to mind this famous scene from The Wire: Again, see my earlier research in that area. It is written solely to introduce the concept of tactical movement to those with little experience or knowledge in this area. Grods will admit that he brought firearms to Washington, D.C., and "eventually provided them to another individual to store in a Virginia hotel." (Trump . Jury Trials and the DVIC: Johnny Depp was defamed by path-narc Amber Heard. An FBI investigator recognized the. When she zoomed in on the video, she saw Oath Keepers patches on some of their clothing. This article alone will not make the reader an expert in tactics or in firearms nor can it be used as a substitute for PROFESSIONAL TACTICAL TRAINING or WEAPONS TRAINING. The Flaw in the Four Man Stack If one is not set up to cover the angles, you are not set up to really handle CQB.This is the heart of the problem with a four-man stack. When charging thinner lines, the wedge could completely separate aline into two groups, dividing a force and making them easier to defeat. The formation is designed for a four-soldier squad to navigate a hallway or corridor, and adapt when faced with corners or intersections where an unseen threat may exist. It's crucial each man communicates and understands what their exact role in the "stack," or the lineup, will be. 6055 W 130th St Parma, OH 44130 | 216.362.0786 | icc@iccleveland.org. The FBI matched a phone number from Youngs email, which listed Meggs phone number and described him as a team leader in the Capitol siege. Police1 is revolutionizing the way the law enforcement community They wore helmets and olive-green combat gear, vests and backpacks. Going back to basic military tactics, we haveessentially made it easier for a bad guy to pickoff operators in the stack. I AM CHANGING THE THINGS I CANNOT ACCEPT" Angela Davis. Tactical formations include:[2][3]. So, the changes never made it into the manual resulting in new guys coming into SF and wanting to read about CQB they do not even know from manuals the 5 and 6-man teams are an option. Upon stacking to one side of the entry-point, the first operator (1) enters the portal and takes postion within the room and faces opposite the position he originally faced. They are typically luminescent strips positioned so that an aircraft can be in the desired position (i.e. Kelly Meggs allegedly wrote a post on Facebook in late December, which said Trump wants us to make it wild and told people to pack their bags for Washington, DC, planning to have between 50,000 to 100,000 people attending, according to the criminal complaint filed in the case. The second operator (2) crosses the entry-point, into the portaland stands within the room, away from the fatal funnel, without changing his facing direction. The OPFOR disrupted the Command Team's OODA loop. Zakat ul Fitr. Stop the vehicle now! They were all charged with one count of conspiring to commit an offense against the United States to corruptly obstruct, influence, or impede an official proceeding. Bennie Parker and Caldwell were also charged with obstructing an investigation for allegedly deleting incriminating Facebook content. Also charged were Graydon Young, 54, of Englewood, Florida, Kelly Meggs wife, Connie Meggs, 59, of Dunnellon, Florida, Laura Steele, 52, of Thomasville, North Carolina, Sandra Ruth Parker, 62, and Bennie Alvin Parker, 70, both of Morrow, Ohio. When analyzing gangs of stalkers, its important to note how intelligence agencies create, and incite both religions, and religious fanatics; and then military industrialistscapitalize on the publics stupidity on these issues in order to sell armaments.
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