Robb gives it to him, citing the friendship that they once had. Robb Stark, after being killed by Ramsay during their trial by combat. Quite jarring in the latter cases, as Stannis was besieged at Storm's End for the entire war and Ned fought in the Rebellion to save his sister and to avoid being killed on Aerys' orders, and actually almost broke his friendship with Robert when he showed happiness at Elia's death. Tywin calls the council of old to discuss the problems plaguing the realm and what can be done about them. Then Quentyn Martell showed up to marry her. Please consider turning it on! When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives. Theon is also taken hostage. The thing one turns to when the next book in the series is nowhere in sight or the story is over andfor a plethora of reasonsyou dont like how it ended. Robb and Val end up becoming this for each other, replacing Jon and Roslin. While in a coma, Ned had this in the form of dreams. Tony Stark abruptly woke up, sucking gulps of air as he felt a tube in his nose. Ned Stark was the sole heir to his father, Lord Rickard Stark and inherited his title at the age of 25 years when his father suffered a massive heart attack. Subverted with Joffrey, who is soon captured by Stannis and is immediately killed in single combat. "Eddard Stark, my apologies for keeping you from sleep. When Jon Arryn resigns as hand, to care for his wife, Eddard Stark steps up bringing his daughters to King's Landing. Played straight with Quentyn Martell, who still gets roasted alive by the dragons (although at least he doesn't take days to die). Jon thinks about being ice and fire when he learns who his parents really are. Tywin Lannister would have married the girl himself if he felt he could have gotten away with it, and so Tyrion knew his own marriage was no protection to Ned Starks daughter whatsoever. ' . [Completed, 49 chapters, 120,000 words, rated mature], When the Aegon Targaryen Memorial Library at Crownlands University loses its most recent library director in a tragic accident, President Robert Baratheon turns to his friend and colleague Eddard Stark to turn the library around. [Completed, 22 chapters, 135,000 words, rated explicit], I couldnt love him back. Never read ASOIAF (I know, I suck), so this is off what I know from Show what other stuff I know from the fandom. Hot Pie after remaining at Harrenhal returns in the sequel, and rejoins the Starks. Look, with a giant cast of characters, its impossible to even begin to touch on all the pairings and ships within Game of Thrones. A crucial set of events and a hard truth changed the nature of the Lord of Winterfell. during his duel with his brother, after Tyrion shouts out Sansa's name. But neither Tywin Lannister nor Selwyn Tarth is willing to let the matter rest there. Doch das Spiel um Throne geht weiter, denn noch wollen nicht alle sieben Knigslande den neuen Herrscher anerkennen. (Modern AU. Tommen dies of an illness while traveling to Highgarden to meet with Margaery Tyrell and escape the Others. The story picks up soon after Ned Starks arrest and Sansa pleading for his life. [Incomplete, 28 chapters, 120,000 words, rated for general audiences], An alternate version of George R.R. It doesnt have a major divergence from canon Neds character while still making Ned a BAMF. when Ned, the armies of the North, the Night's Watch, and the Wildlings arriving to defeat the Others and save Winterfell. I have replaced Jon Snow with a true born second son of Eddard. Fearing that her granddaughter will be framed for her husbands murder, Lady Olenna sends her far north, to Bear Island. She gives a Ned a pardon for his role in the rebellion and Tarly didn't need a pardon because he had never wronged her. [Completed, 40 chapters, 149,000 words, rated mature], Aryas finally gotten to work with the knights at Robert Baratheons summer faire, but it turns out shed rather spend time with the blacksmith. But is it truly an insult if nobody is insulted? In this scenario, Ned gets crowned as King in the North. That price is becoming a part of a weirwood tree and never being able to return home. Even then, when he's in terrible pain, he takes the time to say goodbye to Arya and Gendry, free them from being hostages, and legitimises Gendry as Gendry Baratheon, in exchange for giving up any potential claim to the throne, and to the Baratheon lands, taking down the Wall by blowing the Horn of Winter. Thank you for signing up! Even though none of them bend the knee, she parts with them on fairly good terms, except for Tyrion. Hello, she says to the little baby, her second child, her first girl, who clenches her tiny fists with her tiny fingernails, her eyes stormy and wisps of hair dark. Beric Dondarrion's men save Ned, Arya and the other boys from Vargo Hoat, but Ned was already talking them out of killing them all. found in the deepest part of Winterfell's crypts. Daenerys finally decides to get out of Essos and conquer Westeros. A Stark girl getting married to a Baratheon boy. My friends, whether you first came to Westeros through the books or through the HBO show, Game of Thrones fan fiction is here for you. Littlefinger turns over to Stannis's sides after a failed attempt to get the Tyrells in Joffrey's favor. We are both, indeed. If three of mere fire made flesh should begin the trickle, then it is one of divinity made flesh that will bring the flood. Bran also gets an extra serving as his ability to communicate through weirwoods comes with a price. That would be the place and the time that set him onto the course of becoming one of the greatest Kings house Stark has ever known., Stark Means King: Chapter 60: Eddard The GreatBy Druid Skellig. And so he'll also be worthy to marry Arya. Most famously, the Lannisters ally with the Tyrells, and the Night's Watch (reluctantly) ally with the wildlings to fight the Others. Theon inadvertently tells Shae of his plans to take Casterly Rock, and she escapes to warn the Lannisters. [1,800 words, rated teen], A Kings bastard is a dangerous thingElia is a Martell with enough Targaryen blood to know that for an absolute truth. Five years before Robert's Rebellion, a tarnished Silver dragon takes her first breath under a weirwood tree beyond the Wall and stars fall from the sky. Jaime is struck hard after Myrcella dies and Cersei blames himwhich he takes relatively wellbut when Cersei tells him she is hoping he will die with some dignity, he is so enraged that he. The story sets off when Jon and Dany are at the beginning of their twenties, in university, and follows them as they grow up together. The Stranger offers this to Jon, and Jon rejects him. Silver and gold poured through the castle gates like a torrent, dozens of banners showing the crowned stag of Baratheon and roaring Lannister lions fluttering in the wind. It is a story from a songa fair maid stolen in the dead of night, and her brothers and her betrothed riding to her rescue. For more information, please see our Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from Bronn threw out Tyrion's name, and enough people agreed for it to go through. targaryen; nedstark; gameofthrones +1 more # 13. Robb Stark is moving to the Riverlands and Tywin Lannister and his son Jaime are planning to meet his army. Take a look at some mysterious, sexy, and heart pounding stories involving your favorite GOT character. Summary: In 293 AC, four of Ned's most powerful vassals come to talk to him about the North and House Stark. The life full of adventure in the North had to be replaced with the dreadful scheme of the capital. Also deconstructed with Cersei; her stubbornness is practically lethal. She nearly trembles. In the ashes of war-torn Westeros, the fate of the remnants of House Starkand that of their lovers, allies, friends, and foeshangs in the balance. I tried to write a positive-yet-realistic take on what it might have been like being a woman of color working as a prostitute in medieval not!Europe. I said thanks, man.Ned: Do you see me as a father figure, Greyjoy?Theon: No, if anything, I see you as a bother figure, 'cause you're always bothering me.Jeor: Hey! Jons real name is Daemon Targaryen. It quickly becomes clear that only Thorne cares Jon slept with a woman, and that's just because he hates him. Lyanna married Robert after he killed Rhaegar. But for every thousand worlds of those, there is always one where Noble Blood refers to something literal. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. They agree that Jon will be raised by him, and live in Dorne. Privacy Policy. Mix of books and show. Work Search: [1,800 words, rated teen], Lady Melisandre thought she knew how the story would play out, she thought she knew the mind of her god and the minds of men, but there was one thing she did not knowhow much a father could love his daughter. It is a tale that comforts men and reassures them. Even if she was never alone, it just ruined it for me. Robyn Stark was never meant to be Queen, but she can make do with what she has. "We have all been too focused on the eldest brother, Brandon Stark. it implies that Bran will not return from his trip to Coldhands. Jaime has some things to take care of, namely, one Brienne of Tarth and what remains unspoken between them. Just as he predicted, their bannersmen knelt as well so that the pair did not bend the knee "alone". A story of hurt and healing and new beginnings. assassinated Tywin, devastated the Reach's armies with magic, and. Im looking for (fairly well written) stories about a powerful and advanced north (not necessarily independent) or fics where Jon snow is given land/castle of his own and has great resources, wealth, trade etc that has everybody wanting to be in his good graces/getting him into a marriage alliance. We Found Some of The Most Epic Jon Snow Fanfiction Stories - This story is about Robert allowing Daenerys to live in Winterfell, betrothed to Jon to sully her line, rather than disgrace himself by murdering a baby. [17,000 words, rated teen], A closer look at Shae. Stannis suffers through the same thing. Collected on, cbstevp's creation has more than 45 chapters. He makes some much smarter decisions and sends three very important letters to three very different people that he didn't send before. Gendry and the dragon Elianta. [Ongoing, currently 16 chapters, 38,000 words, rated teen], A brief look at Alayayas life as a whore in Kings Landing. Lions and wolves are at each other's troath. Ned Stark Playing the Game of Thrones BAMF Arya Stark BAMF Sansa Stark Theon Greyjoy Needs a Hug Ramsay Bolton is His Own Warning so is joffery They both suck Direwolves (A Song of Ice and Fire) Robb Stark is King in the North Jon Snow Knows Something Wildling Rickon Stark Bran Stark is Not a Robot Catelyn Tully Stark Bashing BAMF Ned Stark Martins Game of Thrones, based on the books, asking what would happen if Ned Stark had lived. Ned Stark Lives!, its second and third installments explore this what-if scenario as closely as George R. R. Martin could have written it. Aegon names his dragon Elianta after his mother Elia Martell. Before her father was killed, she was a Lady, but not really. At the very end of A Game of Thrones, the first book in the A Song of Ice and Fire series, Lord Eddard Stark is seized for treason after trying to remove King Joffrey Baratheon from the Iron Throne. Val seems to be this as well, considering her growing love for the noble and brave Jon Snow. Ashara Dayne's child lives and Jon Snow is born with violet eyes. Eddara, she said, after a moment as strong as a mountain, my lovely one.[Set before the books/TV show, completed, 17,000 words, rated mature]. - Links - account needed. keeping to his side of the peace accord he signed with the Starks. But as long as she is able to kill the people in her new list, then she will be able to live in the past, during the time of King Aerys the Mad King. [1,100 words, rated for general audiences], How Melisandre went from an impoverished child of the North to a slave to a red priestess. Jon Snow was not seen until the first chapter of Part II, as his story remained the same until the Northmen arrived at the Wall. An alternate version of George R.R. Ive included a handful of fics from a few of the most popular ships (because goodness knows you could probably do a list of 50 Jon/Dany easily), and a few more obscure ships, because thats what fanfic is all about. You could avenge Elia and your siblings little Rhaenys and Aegon. Theres a series on ao3 called Good King Ned. Loved drinking and fucking, loved his family and friends above everything else. Even though the knight is too late to save his lady, he gains a kingdom and a queen even fairer than the maid he lost. "But I pose the question, Lord Stark: why would you strive so high to honour the promise you made to a woman who nothing means to you, and at the same time forsake the one who loves you?". on his death bed and in horrible pain, he takes the time to say goodbye to his friends, Arya and Gendry, free them from being hostages, and legitimises Gendry in exchange for him renouncing all rights to the throne or the Baratheon lands. Direwolves, language, and stories, all brought by the mysterious Shepherd. In the south, Robb Stark & Jon Snow steel themselves for the trials of war. - Summary - What would have happened in Westeros if Ned Stark had lived? The normally composed Ned Stark punches Alliser Thorne in the face for questioning his choice to have Jon escorting Bran rather than stay to protect Winterfell. Fortunately, Ned is sympathetic towards their relationship and hopes that Stevron Frey (Walder Frey's heir) might be more willing to annul the marriage pact. Her heart is as powerful and frantic as Drogons wings when he takes flight. The Ironborn take Casterly Rock, but lose a thousand men. [Incomplete, 12 chapters, 48,000 words, rated teen], A Stark girl ruling Westeros alone was unprecedented enough, even without her unorthodox choice of guard, so Sansa had tread carefully when naming them, choosing her times and her methods with all the canniness shed learned at the hands of men like Petyr Baelish and women like Cersei Lannister. which gave Hizdahr time to interrogate Missandei and learn Daenerys's plan. Arya is still on the loose, Tyrion has escaped from the Vale, and Stannis and Renly Baratheon are making plans to take the Iron Throne. The Great Other was so scared of Jon (even before he joined the Night's Watch) that he hired the Faceless Men to kill him. The boy smiled as she cooed and playfully tapped his nose. Noble Blood. Ned stark was an honourable man, but honour never saved anyone. He still despises it but is able to understand it still. Memories of what happened hit him like a train, the bomb, the surgery he went through, the screams he let out. "You don't make it very easy to be a gentleman, love," he says lowly, before taking her wandering hand and pressing a kiss to her knuckles. Daenerys. For the last pair, the marriage has not been consummated yet. So warten neue Aufgaben auch auf die treuen Gefolgsleute der Knige und "brderlichen" Freunde Eddard Stark, Lord von Winterfell und Faramir, Frst von Ithilien. or the Others will destroy everything before she even has the chance. I am Miguel, twenty-eight, born in a world where Eddard Stark is a fictional character, and Eddard Stark, eight-and-ten, Lord of Winterfell and co-leader of the rebellion against Aerys the Mad. [Completed, 9 chapters, 100,000 words, rated teen], Winter is coming, said Jon Snow. He smiles. All he wants is have his family at his side and to feel at peace. But Eddard Stark leaves the failed rebellion wounded. Roose Bolton tries to kill Robb because he killed Ramsay Snow in his trial by combat. His life in the North with his mother's family was everything he ever asked for. being hit in the head and going into a coma. The Lannisters lose much of their famous wealth when the Ironborn sack Casterly Rock. February 27, 2023 equitable estoppel california No Comments . The Army of the Dead is upon them. Daenerys told him the truth on his deathbed. But the truth is not so simple. Game of Thrones AU, diverging story from season 2 onward. She thinks the fear might consume her whole. BAMF Ned Stark - Works | Archive of Our Own They wake screaming. Arya is still on the loose, Tyrion has escaped from the Vale, and Stannis and Renly Baratheon are making plans to take the Iron Throne. What if he chose Jon, firmly and unequivocally, from the beginning? We do not know what the maid thought, or the princes wife, herself a princess by birth. With King Aerys growing more unhinged as each day passes, the Dragon Prince must secure his line in order to overthrow the Mad King. We need to think about fixing the heating. via HBO. At the end, after Eddard dies, he finds his way to the, Euron uses his dragonbinding horn to force Drogon, Rhaegal, and Viserion to attack Dany. - Keywords - Magic, Old Gods, Re-Do fic, Intrigue. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. The Epic self insert and reincarnation stories of Game of - FanFiction Where: Robert still dies, Cersei is still a bitch, Joffrey still throws the tantrum of the century, Littlefinger is still Littlefinger, but Ned Stark is a little bit smarter and manages to escape King's Landing with his head on his shoulders, thank you very much. destroying the Wall by blowing the Horn of Winter. Unknown to anyone she had a child with the fallen prince. Please consider turning it on! Arya/Gendry centric. He was right, but he didn't anticipate that the quiet wolf might plot revenge against him when he discovered what he and Jon Arryn had done during the rebellion. She accepted because she believed she could work on her plans from within. A Lannister always pays his debts., In which Jon and Tyrion share a flat in a crumbling London townhouse and a posh cat lady moves in upstairs. Work Search: It wasnt until it had started to become a reality, to solidify under her hands, that she started to paint details into the visions of her sanctuary in earnest. ' . doesn't want to be queen and begs Cersei to let her renounce her claim to the Iron Throne. Varys finally figured out that Jon was that second son. 1. . Unterdessen hat jenseits der Mauer der Angriff der Anderen begonnen, die das Leben in Westeros und Mittelerde bedrohen Fortsetzung des Tolkien/Martin-Crossovers, Having loss battle after battle of the against White Walker threat, the people of Westeros flee, hoping to find a place free of White Walkers. Jon Snow was born with silver hair and indigo eyes and suddenly his life was much more complicated.First, his name is not Jon Snow, but Daemon Targaryen, what a sense of humor his mother had, huh?Second, there is an annoying crow that follows him, is always screaming in difficult times and is his long-lost relative.Third, he can't stop dreaming about his family, those in Essos and those who were slaughtered in Kings Landing.And finally, he really wants to sit on the Iron Throne, his throne, the one that was taken from his brother Aegon, he'll sit on it, even if there's a need for fire first.- "Every time a new Targaryen is born, the gods throw a coin in the air and the world holds its breath to see how it will land." Tyrion knew, as he gazed up at the dark skinned Martell man, that this was perhaps his only chance to spirit Sansa out of Kings Landing and away from his fathers greedy fingers. Cersei realizing that she has pushed Jaime too far and then realizing that, since Jaime is younger than her (by dint of a few seconds), he also counts as the, Tywin Lannister, Gregor Clegane and Amory Lorch were. Jeyne Lannister has had a charmed life. [Completed, 20 chapters, 96,000 words, rated teen], Eddard Stark offered her a deal. Arya to Melisandre in Elianta's body seconds before Gendry smashes her head with his father's warhammer. Arya Stark, despite her best efforts, falls back into the Game of Thrones. what Stannis did to his body after killing him in single combat. Soon they will be here. After the Rebellion, the North has been closed off, working towards making it strong once more. Sansa, who was once obsessed with getting married, considers life as a celibate healer, while Arya, who had no interest in marriage, gets married at a very young age. Roslin to Robb after her death in Part III, After Gendry gets arrested at White Harbour, they get news of Roslin's death in childbirth. Reclaim what you have lost. He sipped out the tube that was in his nose. This story begins after Episode 7 of Season 7 and explores the possibilities for Season 8. In those worlds, you know the story that plays out, the way the song of ice and fire ends, the curtains that close on bloodlines you come to love and loath. Eddard Stark, second son of the Lord of Winterfell, dutiful, and respectable even by his friends who are heirs to their respective lands. Martin's 'Game of Thrones', based on the books, asking what would happen if Ned Stark had lived. avengers fanfiction natasha abuse. They were, but Walder Frey decided at the last moment not to, when he considered that he'll get a lot more with his grandson as Lord of Winterfell. Who is going to get killed by Jaime Lannister as . , . Averted with the Sand Snakes. Elizabeth- a Jamie Lannister fanfic by laddersofchaos. continues to be the only king out of the original lot to survive the war. When it stopswhen he pulls backits sharper than ice. When Catelyn dies after Robb Stark's birth, Ned is left free to marry Ashara Dayne, the woman he fell in love with at Harrenhal. He holds many secrets, and perhaps some answers. Tyrion proclaimed that only Robb and Edmure need kneel to represent The North and the Riverlands respectively. But Margaery encounters unexpected opposition and is forced to make her way to the Wall in order to survive. After Daario's death, Daenerys realizes that she's pregnant with his child. After her father went missing, Jeyne was brought up at Casterly Rock by her cousin "The Kingslayer" Jaime Lannister. Now, with another bargaining chip in his possession, he has a chance to turn the war. Im not doing it for you. she said, looking at the babe close. The Gods decide to take a more active role in their disciples lives, and for the first time in over three centuries the Valyrian Gods awaken to protect the last Targaryen's. This story reworks canon mainly from the TV show. Is that all right? she asks softly. War is ravaging through the Seven Kingdoms. There, they discover the former Queen had died in childbed. [Ongoing, currently 50 chapters, 348,000 words, rated mature], Harry has been in Westeros for a little over six months when he arrives at Castle Darry one evening and sees the ghost of a dire wolf. Still unmarried and unbetrothed, Prince Rhaegar Targaryen is urged to find a bride at the tourney at Harrenhal. AU. After traveling to White Harbor with the Starks and the Night's Watch, the Manderlys (actually Axel Florent) refuse to let them enter the city. Since the banker is actually a Faceless Man, he doesn't let it go unanswered. When he first heard of his sister's death, Oberyn Martell wanted to immediately go looking for revenge, despite Dorne not having the strength to fight their enemies. And then again in Arya's quest to save Gendry. Sansa has to determine what she can change and what she has to accept to get a future she wants. Politics, war and battles, wargs. Ned also wants to take Myrcella as a "ward" to ensure the Lannisters leave them alone. I Fear No Fate (For You Are My Fate, My Sweet), i loved a maid as spry as spring (with sunrise in her hair), i could never define (all that you are to me), there is nothing lost (but may be found, if sought), Hear Me Roar: House Lannister and the Westerlands in the War of the Ring, The Bestselling Fantasy Books of All Time, The Nobel Prize In Literature Winners You Need to Read, Should You Buy That? And she only realizes this as Jaime is killing her. In Chapter 9 of Part III, Jaqen H'ghar disguises himself as King Stannis and stabs Melisandre to prevent her from killing Gendry, using his disguise to ensure nothing happens to him. Now she has to scramble to come up with a plan to save her father and keep the North from going to war. The Sexual Adventures of Ned Stark - Chapter 1 - GOT88 - A Song of Ice The official story was that she would marry Hizdahr and allow her dragons to killed. It gets her killed when she does it at the worst time, blaming her brother entirely for Myrcella's death (although she was partially right, since it was Jaime's idea to run away that led to that), but Jaime rightfully points out that many of their problems were caused by Cersei. Westeros is in turmoil as the War of the Five Kingdoms rages on.
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