Flowing flexibility in relationships. When Neptune and Ascendant first meet, both will instantly know that they have this deep connection. This will likely be a joyful and expansive relationship for you. My analogy is that it is as if God has put a brown paper bag over my head so that I will not know where I am going and, therefore, offer no resistance. We ask you to consider to think of this wonderful element as a guide, a guardian; the carer of the soul of the body. This ability to recognize and change energy is often what isNOTunderstood by the Empaths in this reality. I begin to slip out of my body, day-dream, I experience panic attacks and I feel a depression that I associate with disconnectednessand, for me, this can lead to compulsive eating. Trouble firmly standing your ground. The Descendant sits on the cusp of the 7th house opposite the Ascendant and represents partnerships (both in business and marriage) and what we look for in other people, most . These affiliations are not based upon proximity but rather through shared values, even goals and aspirations, so that there is some continuity in relating. She immediately lifted up her blouse to show me her new hooters!. If I lost my focus, I could have a nervous breakdown in a heartbeat. They could no longer be contained by the magazines limited format. You may feel in danger of losing your sense of who you really are, what your limitations are, even what your direction is. While I feel very much loved in Germany, I am family in Prague. When Pluto conjuncts an angle, there is often an intense pull to the other. Give it away now. Posts: 61 From: USA Registered: May 2012: . There was still a psychological barrier based upon the fear of people that still remained. This is something I thought only other people had this has never happened to me before. On the other hand, if youre naturally more dominating, Neptune transits can soften your personality, transforming you into a more flexible or less authoritarian person. It does seem like quite a powerful transit that will be around for some time. Natal Neptune's opposite ascendant and conjunct descendant adds a unique flavour to an individual's personality. The stressful aspects (square and opposition . Somehow (somehow is a process ruled by Neptune) I have spent my life honing the other senses like a blind man compensates for poor sight. Nostalgia for love lost. Do I have something in my natal chart interacting with these transiting aspects, which is why I get these emails? I began making frequent stops there just to hear the lady at the deli greet me with, Hi, Sweetie, how are you doing today! Wal-Mart is always a good place to feel connected because there is always a Greeter at the door who says Hello and puts a smiley face sticker on my clothing. However, the interesting thing is that, before the transit was over, my original goal then suddenly did work out exactly as I had hoped at the time. The transit of Neptune Conjunct your Ascendant will alter your relationships and change the way you identify yourself with society, friends and your partner. I agree with you but I would take this a lot further. She was overly protective. Friends, colleagues, neighbors, or siblings have an increased level of influence in your lifeeven to the point that you can be blind to think they're anything other than blameless. Are we dancing with the fear of another time, of another life? She highly recommended this product. Theres always more fish in the sea. The more you practice ego detachment, the more freedom youll have to do what you want. A great web of interconnections. Needing to learn how to merge the high and low qualities that each person embodies. You may start a relationship feeling sorry for someone but end up feeling sorry for yourself. In 1988, after breaking my foot off, I told spirit that I did not have any more external physical body parts to contribute to the lesson I was supposed to be learning. Neptune is currently transiting my 10th and strangely the more I let go, the better it gets! She started being closer to meor as close as I would allow her to be. I have neptune transit my 6th house, trine my pluto in 2nd, square Mars in 9th and oppose my jupiter and venus in 12th house. Copyright 20092023 Astrology Library. You seek unity with others. Be careful what you let seep into you. In the past, when I have been thin, I have felt too vulnerable and unprotected so the weight would come piling back on. As Neptune notoriously dissolves boundaries, I lost that invisible defensive barrier that I have developed and maintained to protect me from what I feared rejection by others or having them take control of my life. This shift allowed the group to grow and expand! Forbidding joy? If I ate, she could eat yet I did not feel connected because my mother always criticized me for my weight, took me to the doctor as a child for a dietfor me, not her. If you recognize this within yourself, it is also time for you to become conscious of this attribute. Until then, she was not conscious of this pattern, even feeling guilty that this cycle denied her a connection with a best friend. In the Aquarian cycle, she connected with groups, the energy is more circular, a sense of community, some depth and supportiveness, less centralized and more diffused. Although, remember that you dont have to be the savior. I bought clematis extract straight away. Susan was concerned because during the time of this Neptune transit she had totally lost all sexual desire for her husband, and could not understand why. It is my belief that the core problems with compulsive over-eating, or actually any addictive behavior1, are 1) a fear of life, 2) a fear of people/intimacy and these two fears produce disconnectedness. This quality of approachability is definitely the result of the dissolving effect. It has been so hard. Your email address will not be published. Profound disappointment. I used to think that Neptune was so innocent but it can actually be quite deceptive. You can understand deeper aspects of your relationships, as well as be more compassionate to others shortcomings and help them. You may overly romanticize a new relationship. This is not a problem with milk chocolates. Instead begin with an acceptance that this is as it is. During this time, your relationships with others become confusing and difficult. Easily deceived by others. Youre likely to overidealize new people you meet. Instead, I chose to try to evoke the highest possible meaning of the transit and of her natal Venus-Neptune. Trying again now. I have focused on water filtration for that time as well. The Immune System will then work against this cell and at the same time can reduce the strength of the physical body. Pluto 12H Virgo and Neptune sextile Pluto? It takes a little practice but I must be honest with myself, my needs and wants. Initially, I feel lost without them yet I know that Neptune always works to our long-term benefit. The Saturn influence does not deny joy at all. It is a point of transition wherein I must consciously establish this protection since I no longer have the weight or the psychological barrier to closeness. On Empath Energy Chiron and Neptune/Pisces energy. Being in love allows you to let go of previous self-conceptions. Neptune transcends beyond the material. We feel that the natural impetus is towards a unity and a harmony between all beings and all aspects of life, but harmony and unity can be experienced in myriad ways, not only in a small, even flow of perfection. We often have to grapple with self-pity, discouragement, or loss of focus. Pluto conjunct South Node in Synastry: One does not need to only be struggling with a condition or an injury to the physical to want to engage in a dialogue with the guardian of the body. Neptune Conjunct Ascendant Natal and Transit - Astrology King Some people let their partners think they do have a lot of influence even when they dont. You can easily get carried away by certain fantasies, idealism or situations that are unrealistic and useless. This was my bottom. It was at this point that I said, Thats it! Now we can just Google for Adrenal information. However, it can help you transcend mundane things and allow you to flow into higher, enlightening experiences. Give the posts you like a and join the ASTROFIX mailing list! These are: On April 3, 1997, under a Neptune transit, a friend developed fibromyalgia, a very common and painful ailment that has no cure or no known cause. My dad passed with Neptune square my 10th House Uranus (there were many other more powerful aspects at this time). Youre more aware of the subliminal all around you. Indeed my life has seen its share of nebulous and nefarious people who were somehow connected to me spiritually. Also, my mind is foggy about making decisions about life, and Ive been a bit loner and an isolated person. You can never decide if you like your appearance or not. As Neptune crosses the Descendant then it is common for a relationship to form with a person who is needy, perceived to be needy, or whose qualities are idealised. Under a Neptune transit, these solutions that work on the subtle bodies are more powerful than a prescription drug. Mercury in the 12th can easily tune out of a conversation that is not stimulating. Pisces rules the Occipital Lobe of the brain and Seratonin. Neptune represents our subconscious mind. I learned my lesson and really dont want a repeat. It is not giving up to a lack. Make NO choices based on new ethics but only on the standards you had used all your life. If you are the partner that cheats and lies your way to a free meal then its time for a reality check. Marrying the invisible man. And thank you for clarifying. So, I made a decision to trust that I had tried to make a good decision and not to think about it anymore but to just do the job in front of me one day at a time. Haha, h*ly sh*t did I write that? It stimulates confidence that makes it easier to let others know what you really think and believe, to stand up for your convictions. Uranus is about to conjunct my MC (around June 10th) I have house 10 in Aries. You can now Google for supplements that offer immune support. Although it may take more than one attempt, you can have a normal loving relationship with this aspect. From Berlin, we traveled to Vienna. Also check what house Neptune rules in the Neptune person's chart. My dentist gave me 30 mgs of Armour (a natural thyroid but it may not be strong enough for extreme cases). When I picture health, when I picture change of a symptom and it does not come, what else is at work? Perhaps you can help the Immune System speak by asking the questions more specifically. Yet, I have always felt that astrology saved my life. Being totally honest and straightforward in all your dealings will lower the risk of being deceived or taken advantage of. Im also experimenting with charging water with a terrahertz wand. It was during this experience that I learned that I indeed have many true friends right in my own back yard. With my emotions? I read years ago in an astrology book by Davison that Neptune dissipated the adrenal glands and depleted adrenals affects the thyroid. On its transit to my Descendant 42 years later, I find myself in India once again.) Sorry I just realised you meant transit Saturn. I felt afraid that any minute I could lose my grip on reality. I think I should probably ignore all men since this sounds dreadful! It depends on the degree of your Ascendant. The Neptune transit brought their vulnerability to a crisis point whereby they started to protect themselves. 5HTP is the source for this. Neptune square Neptune is one of the "biggies" in terms of transits (slow-going and a long transit). Again, if I do not take the Clematis regularly, I begin to feel disconnected and lost. She could no longer mold herself to his needs, for her need now was to dissolve and be etheric. There is the tendency to idealize people, especially lovers, and to blind yourself to the truth about their failures. We may experience states of oneness and illumined mystic vision, spontaneously entering the stillness of pure Being without form. Perfection is also like the sea a moving, variable element, that is at times calm and still; at other times rolling and flowing; and at other times still, crashing and powerful. More importantly, in an Empathic society individuals are taught how to work with the energy; learning that received energy is then transmuted, changed, translated. You have a relationship with your television. Neptune opposite Ascendant transit can bring your ideal partner to your door but also your worst nightmare. They all affirmed that they needed to learn to establish boundaries in their relationships with others. To cope with the changes and the feeling of isolation, she reconnected with places that offered friendship, fellowship and connectedness in her old neighborhood. Found this article to be quite informative! Eclipse Aspects to Natal Planets: The Narrative of Change The absolute best dark chocolate in terms of flavanols is MONTEZUMAS DARK CHOCOLATE ABSOLUTE BLACK 100% I do not eat a lot of chocolate so I take this in a capsule form as Cocoavia from the Mars Company. Edges blur. Worse yet, I felt I had no resource to go to which could give me the right answer. Thanks for that extra paragraph, Jamie. It dances with your fears, it dances with your stresses. I can relate to what youve written here regarding the Neptune square transit. You might be completely wrong about what impression youre giving to others. A widow or widower. These people need more light and sun and yoga assists them in strengthening the etheric body. Contact us. It is best to flow with these experiences without having a specific plan of action since Neptune transits cannot be contained. The column was picked up by an Italian website. She began hearing voices. This attracted friends who wanted me to solve their problems but I still sensed that this was a temporary connection, a connection that only worked only as long as I provided a service. When I had returned from Europe in December 1996, a friend was startled by what she perceived as my energies having changed drastically. They would state what they wanted, and then said, Dont you agree? So, I had to be strong and say that I dont agree and show them the other side of things they need to be looking at., Great analogy on Neptune/Saturn, using it in creative ways. At such times we are aware that it is clearly out of our hands what happens. It really helped me get through those days.. Give yourself permission to question where life takes you, to question Is it needful that I accept this element? With new relationships, you should ask yourself why they want to be your friend or partner. This may be karma. since Neptune going often retro when I will be lifted for this transit? Their failures may not be extremely bad, but it is your refusal to accept the truth that can complicate your life, because when you finally see the truth, you will be disappointed. Is Saturn also in your 5th house? During this time, there was a change in management and, because I did not have a contract, they refused to pay me several hundred dollars. Clematis is the most important but, if you feel that you need additional support: BLACKBERRY (FES): A frequent problem experienced during a Neptune transit (or even a strong natal Neptune or Mars in Pisces) is ambivalence, confusion and an inability to translate goals and ideals into concrete action or viable activities. It is too easy to live in ones head, to philosophize rather than execute; vitality and willpower are both sluggish. Transit Neptune Conjunct Ascendant You're entering a period of time that will strongly test your focus in life and how you go about achieving your goals. I did not have any social connections in the city on this trip but we found friends. If you play the martyr, someone will play the role of persecutor. His recommendation is to take 2 pills when you first get up and then 2 more around 11am. Yet it is not that you are in lack. You want a fairy tale wedding. You may be more imaginative, dreamy, and vulnerable, and need to protect yourself so you don't become a victim to someone playing with you. Then, my friend, Astrid, offered to let us stay at her home. Sign up here! Your best friend works as a maid. Loss of motivation, direction and previous dreams. Pisces is on my 7th house cusp so this whole thread applies to my personality. He promised to divorce his wife, someday, so he and Beth could be together. For women in the 40s, strong Neptune transits can trigger the onset of menopause. At the same time pluto will also begin to square natal pluto loosely (10 degrees). Acceptance can lead the way to change. I asked her to let the small vessel of personal love and attachment burst so that she could expand her heart to encompass all. If you come to this dialogue with the understanding that the Immune System has as its goal and its ideal to support you, to keep a harmony in the body, then you can come to speaking with it without anger or fear, without the sense of betrayal or attack that often people in stressful physical condition begin to experience toward their body. I used to say that she would rather tell people that I had run off to join a Hippie Commune than becoming an astrologer. It may be a more difficult path toward having changes occur when you speak to that Immune System Guardian from disappointment and anger, from judgment and blame you can see that it weakens your partnership. are places and times ruled by Neptune. And Pluto is transiting my 7th house in Capricorn. When is this my energy? When am I working as an Empath? If I am working as an Empath, it is energy if this feeling is not of mine, what am I to do with it. You can ask. What does Neptune opposition Ascendant mean? So, like all Neptune transits, it dissolved some of her rigid boundaries. Chiron Transits to Neptune may have you feeling overwhelmed by energetic and emotional input. If a close relationship deteriorates now, you may feel that you dont understand why its ending. The fantasy of love. It dances with the old messages from childhood. . High blood acidity which leaves you vulnerable to colds and flu. Events that call upon you to meet challenges, to feel emotions, call upon you to redefine, perhaps, yourself, your goals or your understandings. This is a great time if you're an artist of any kind. Instead we feel porous, liquid, fluid, yielding. *Please Like, Comment, Subscribe, Share. It gave me a means of connection with others. During this trip, I felt totally connected for 24/7 and it was a positive, reassuring, supporting connection. In her personal life, the dissolving effect stimulated by the Aquarian energies caused a breakdown in her own polarized views, although she is not abandoning her values because she is more secure in her basic beliefs and priorities. If it does happen it occurs shortly after birth. Now I realize that Neptune had dissolved the psychological and etherio-physiological boundaries that I had developed over a lifetime to keep people away, to protect me from the intrusion of others and to serve as a barrier to protect me from being controlled by others (a defense used to protect me from an over-whelming mother3). Neptune dissolves your boundaries and leaves the body vulnerable hence the weight gain so that the body can protect itself from pain and negative energy. This dialoguing can occur simply by speaking aloud, by picturing yourself engaging with this guardian of the body as a partner, as a compatriot, coming together to harness you views, to bring an outcome of harmony and balance in the physical realm. In my life Neptune (and its negative themes) has been a much bigger problem and Saturn has often been my savior! Neptune conjunct Ascendant transit brings confusion, deception, and disappointment to your close one-to-one relationships. Spark your imagination when thinking about natal, transit, solar return, or progression meanings. I will question to learn more but I understand there may be a harmony here I cannot see. The individual often withdraws energies that sabotage efforts and commitments and it is difficult to fulfill ones potential. The delusion is based upon your expecting them to be what you want them to beand they are not! In Prague, friends gave me a special book, autographed by the author and we attended lectures together. I use Scharffenberger cocoa (not fat and not sugar) in my coffee. Neptune Transits - Astrology Club I asked her to meditate on how her own suffering could awaken in her boundless compassion for all beings. But do consider that these events do not call upon you to judge, to turn away from, to dislike yourself, your actions, choices or outcomes. Please if somebody has or had this transit and discover some solution, can you help me. We both liked to be crazy; we enjoy having fun and talking with people. She experienced some disillusionment with her very earthly, needy, human beloved, yet gradually she began to meet him in a deeper place of unconditional acceptance. What did this disconnectedness feel like? Sent 5 times a week. Can you please clarify because I have no idea if this information applies to me or not. Neptune is currently 12 Pisces. Whenever I feel unloved and unappreciated, I pull out a piece of paper with the name, address and telephone number of an inebriated young man on the U-Bahn who just thought I was wonderful. What if the 7th house angle is ruled by Pisces , change anything? Being blind to the love that is looking right at you. I also like to live in the forest simply with minimumal public exposure. Im not sure if this is related to the Neptune transit, but I am currently in a relationship that I want to get out of but for some reason feel like I cant. When transit Neptune is trine, or sextile, to your natal Ascendant, you have an increased empathy for other people, and a spiritual understanding of their circumstances and needs. When they owed me over $500, they said that I did not have a contract with them sono money! Regardless of the sign that Neptune is transiting, over the years, I have always observed this pattern of betrayal-disappointment-deception. At the time, I just could not believe someone would think that way. How have you noticed this influence? A school of fish in water. I simply pulled out on my own street, having turned in the wrong direction. At first, the connection seemed tenuous but then I felt more firmly grounded. Thanks Lynn I began to re-connect with the world in my own back yard so to speak2. Rather, the Empath expands their own nature like a sponge; fills its own nature with what is received. After contracting the Epstein-Barr Virus in 2004, I developed Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. However, you can also find yourself mentally lazy and passive, finding it hard to concentrate on mundane matters. It is a natural source of thyroid. Written in short, fragmented sentences, this article embraces phrases, concepts, imagery, and more to evoke meaning. That transit was a hard one but it taught me that there are times you dont get to be sure about anything. Spark your imagination when thinking about natal, transit, solar return, or progression meanings. However, during that transit, I began working on cruise ships giving lectures. Transit Neptune Conjunct Ascendant, Personalized Astrology reports and In my chart, my Progressed Jupiter trined my Moon for a 4-year period. NEPTUNE TRANSITS The CRISES OF DISCONNECTEDNESS: There are 3 issues symbolized by Neptune that I will address using the examples submitted by readers. We planned a great trip. Neptune dissolves our psychological and physiological boundaries through the vehicle of confusion and ambivalence which allows us to float beyond our perceived limitations. Of course, there is a whole psychological way of looking at this, but were going to put that aside and stay in the metaphysical and the spiritual view. The movement of all these times together encompass the perfection. Anthony had Neptune opposite Ascendant (011). In other words, the only way through the transit was one step at a time, refusing to veer off the chosen path and ignoring any siren songs along the way. THE STELLIUM 4 or more planets in the same House (updated April 2021), Retrogrades in the Natal Horoscope (update), ERIS THE CHALLENGE TO TRANSFORM OUR LIVES, Intercepted Signs in the Horoscope and Their Impact upon the Physical Well-Being of the Individual, Low blood calcium. Neptune and Ascendant person in conjunction are like mirror souls who long to be whole again. Platonic love. This interpretation of Pluto in aspect to the Descendant embraces a loose brainstorm-style of writing to explore astrological themes. Chameleon. Perhaps Neptune manifests as someone with similar hopes and dreams or a very spiritual person. When I said these words she began to breath deeply through her heart. Then they say things as, I didnt feel like myself or others say to them, Youre not acting like yourself, etc. Entertaining read for new and experienced astrologers alike. Nodal Axis solar arc may suggest important meetings, or connection with the public through work.
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