Its a good learning tool, but the Challenge Activities dont always function in Firefox and some of the Participation Activities can be bypassed too easily in my opinion. However, this time around, I feel like I am actually learning because I am getting feedback on my programs from zyBooks and I am actually able to check my learning with the questions and activities in the course. Zybooks was the reason why I changed mi major to a computer related area. It's more engaging than just reading a textbook and it is really helpful to see these sometimes abstract concepts illustrated/animated, especially for someone like me as a visual learner. Any questions I have are right in front of me with the answers and a great explanation. Maybe the material isn't bad, and the culprit is something else (maybe the course feels rushed for those students for some other reason). It was helpful, organized in a good, easy to understand way. The feedback for each question, whether it was answered correctly or not, is helpful. I would be far more successful if there were a more comprehensive text book that accompanied the online course material. I am really enjoying it. It explained things in a fun and descriptive way as well. Our class was flipped, so this is how we learned new material. Very well done material, however a little tedious for people already familiar with the material. I like how it was organized and forced the student to read and understand the material. One sees among the relatively-few complaints that our system is picky when grading a programs output formatting. I really enjoy the coding and the test we have to take a part in. It is very interactive, so it helps me learn much better. At first I was upset because it costs money, but it is so much better than reading a stupid pdf. Very straight forward, not challenging while remaining useful. zyBooks is easy to use and I enjoy it. I like that there are challenges and that we are able to at least understand the. zyBooks - Build Confidence and Save Time With Interactive Textbooks It was a nice website to use to turn in the assignments and it was easy to find chapters and was really easy to participate in class with the assignments. I like how it's very interactive and how it is organized. Also it shows you in most cases how it got the answer. The survey can be taken anonymously and takes just 3-5 minutes. The participation activities make sure that you fully understod the concept. and had specific due dates for chapters (still not bad!) I learn best through examples and homework problems. It really prepares you with its activities and is an overall great addition to this already great site. I love it! Imagine paying $50 to have access to a book for a limited amount of time when i can find practice problems and references online. I think it conveys material in a way that is easily understood. I think I like the interaction and challenge questions for coding (python). I found zyBooks to be a useful supplement to my college lectures. For instance, I realized the declarative knowledge regarding some concepts were presented after the procedural knowledge was presented (i.e., how to use it was presented before the background info containing its purpose and use). Zybooks is a great intereactive textbook however it is easy to not learn much since most of the time the answers are either given or multiple choice. The concept is great but answers are stupid. Easy to work with and good division of workload. I felt I was able to learn more by being able to figure out what the correct answers were. I think the tool is great. It was good, I like how there was no penalization for getting the wrong answer creating better learning environment. Pretty Neutral really.. It was confusing at first when I needed to buy my textbooks at the beginning of the year since the ISBN wasn't recognized, but this tool is pretty helpful and engaging. I thought zyBooks was a nice website and had good directions but it just wasn't for me. We havebeen working since 2012 to offerthe best STEM courseware. I love zybooks, I am so tired of using normal text books that take up space and get lost. I feel they could go a bit faster. I believe they are helping in making sure that I am comprehending the material. I think zybooks is a good resource as study materials to go back and look through briefly, but as a textbook it doesn't translate well for some courses. Helpful for repeat practice. Zybooks was very organized and the presentation of the material was very easy to digest. It does not need to be severe, just enough to encourage people to actually read the material. I have no problems with the content and learning it. A good site to practice the material thats assigned, zyBooks was really good for learning C++ because of the interactive examples and animations. User interface was my favorite part of zyBooks, very easy to flow through the material and the graphics used for the chapter examples really helped me understand the material I was studying. I really like how the zybook has the participation activities. I like the feature where they let us to see answer, because sometimes I really have no idea what to right, and I don't need to struggle for too long. I got so upset about not being able to access an exam, that my PTSD kicked in and I don't remember even taking the test. Zybook is clear and easy to understand. My favorite of the online textbook solutions. Its about the same as a book rental; a scam. Welcome to zyBooks's home for real-time and historical data on system performance., .. . I don't think zybooks did a good job of explaining some of the bigger factors, or the more in depth aspects. Easily 10x better than a standard text book, mainly due to interactive examples and exercises. The examples helped me do the challenges and labs a lot. I appreciated the ability to have instructors supply their own material. It provides examples and a framework for topics that make it easier to learn the material. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. I found it more useful to take notes straight from zyBooks rather than attempting to listen and summarize what my professor stated. Good material, good examples, good practice. I loved that the book was interactive it made it easier to learn and understand. It is far better than just reading a textbook, and for me actually less time consuming than just reading. I had tested every last piece of it. I think its my learning style. The active activities do aide in learning the material. Get a demo today. Instead of assigning regular textbook problems, I like how my teacher assigns the lessons from the zyBook for a more interactive experience. This was my first time using zybooks and I was very pleased with how the platform worked. I like the interactive aspect of Zybooks. Very useful for my computer science classes, but the math courses use such intense jargon that it simply takes too long to process. I appreciate the non-strict learning style. But I was impressed by the fact that it only cost $58 dollars. I found that the compiler was "pickier" than the compiler I use for c++ while also not having an easily accessible debug function for submitting lab code. I have found it very helpful in my courses. It is not my favorite software to use, but it is definitely helpful when it comes to reviewing materials with the challenges and participations. I actually love zyBooks because it encourages learning and doesn't penalize you for wrong answers. With zybooks I was able to get the practice and explanations that I really needed and I started doing a lot better on my exams and quizzes. Some may skip the advanced part, some will find it useful. I feel that zyBooks is an adequate learning tool that helps me learn on my own, rather than waiting for the rest of the class in lectures. zyBooks uses thousands of questions integrated into the content to help concepts sink in. Try the first chapter free! This was a good way to ingest information outside of the classroom. I found the graphics extremely helpful in understanding how everything interacts in an operating system. zyBooks has been an effective way for me to learn. It was an interesting way to learn the material. I really like the way one can visualize the processes instead of looking at static images. That's great for the teacher, and that's how software is really tested in real life, however, students from SNHU (at least the ones I tutored) are going through the course without ever running a single line of code on their computers, and interacting with their programs, they just keep writing the code on the zylabs interface, and keep sending the code until the testing suite says the code is correct. The way it is organized is very useful and the examples and participation activity are helpful. I enjoyed writing code to solve the problems given. Though it was useful the challenges were very hard to read through and complete. What Do Students Really Think of zyBooks? zyBooks was defiantly a useful resource for me during this semester. sometimes correct answers are made incorrect because it is not the answer the book wants. The only reason I dislike zyBooks for the class in question right now is because I feel like it does not link with the class at all, and just that overall the EE__ class at ___ is very poorly structured. I love this platform. Only show 1000 responses, even though we had several thousand more. I was able to understand most of the readings, there were a couple I didn't really understand. I've only got through the intro so far but I think the concept and instructional method will be of much help. I liked zyBooks but the labs were a lot harder than the assignments. Being able to code then and get instant feedback was very helpful! If it were just the zyBook, my opinion may be changed. However, What I like about zybooks is that there is no correct or incorrect answers for the practice problems, in the sense that we can keep trying until we get it right. I thought it was good for learning the material but sometimes the challenges needed stuff to be in a very specific format, which could be tricky. Zybooks is a great learning tool that teaches the concepts of topics very well. Very easy to use and the problems provided in the textbook help me practice and understand the material better! I am so beyond grateful for having zyBooks for this course. It is very helpful to be able to go online and look back at the topics we've been through and reference the material for the apps I am currently working on. I like the combination of the participation activities along with the challenge questions. zyBooks is very helpful and makes things seem easier than than it is. Just another site. I think the lessons are extremely in depth and informative, and especially given the new precautions with the "Covid-19" crisis not allowing me to go to school, I've been able to gain a great understanding of all the material through the zyBooks service. This mentality has come back to bite me this semester. This site is great! It was very helpful and the practice problems were very well designed. I don't think I have any complaints except that we lose it once the subscription for it is over. Personally, I've only used it for learning programming languages. I really like the way zybooks is laid out and some of the activities are helpful, but I find the lessons don't prepare me enough for the big challenge questions at the end. zyBooks was an an extremely helpful resource during the semester when classes were in session on campus. Super easy to use and has very cool visual/video/interactive examples. I really like it, the labs are very well explained, participation activities keep it dynamic. and taking so many classes at a time that is critical. its pretty helpful. Zybooks is incredibly helpful when it comes to programming. Though we have various research studies, perhaps the best way to answer those questions is to hear from students who have used zyBooks. Provides great online practice with new content. I enjoyed using zyBooks. Zybooks was much better than a typical text book as I felt I learned the material better with the interactive format. I think that it is beneficial to my learning, but I learn by doing more than reading, such as labs. gives the answers for the challenge problems, so if the user doesn't know the answer, the user will be able to see and understand the problem better, and the user will do better next time. ZyBooks has helped me in more ways than any instructor could. So, we manually examined those responses (we had to skip 240 Nos to total 1000 Yess) and found the negative comment rate was only 8%, which is just slightly higher than the negative rate of the Yess. zybooks is bad - LineOne I think the lessons are a little long at times, but other than that it does teach well. It's easy to navigate and helpful. However, the only drawback is the price since it's a bit expensive for the use of 1 school quarter only. It is much more engaging than reading a 1,300 page textbook. Sometimes the reading was difficult to understand, but other than that I enjoyed zybooks. I enjoy the interactive activities in the chapters. I like how it is formed and lets me do the things I need to in order to learn. I am enjoying the material except zyBooks is terrible. ZyBooks is integrated with Canvas. These tools can also be used in an enjoyable way in class to decrease the temptation to . However, you can't talk to them 24/7. While easy to use it feels tedious, this is most likely because of my own interests and things of the like, not because of what it is.
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